Blogging is Forever: Branding vs. Lead Generation

I believe in zeitgeist.  Things seem to happen in groups, where one conversation is followed by another on a similar vein. Last night, I have a great conversation with Stacey Harmon about a presentation she’s giving to realtors on the value of social media for real estate.  We explore the difference between branding and lead … Read more

Design vs. Technology: A Provocative View

From the web publication (seems rude to call it a “blog”) @Issue comes this provocative article about the business value of design, which ends with this astonishing statement: [Design is] the accelerator for the company car, the power train for sustainable profits: design drives innovation; innovation powers brand; brand builds loyalty; and loyalty sustains profits. … Read more

Zillow’s Newspaper Gambit: A Possible Parallel

Eric Blackwell of Bloodhound picks up on this story that Zillow has entered into a relationship with a number of newspapers and asks a series of pointed questions. The comments section has some hot and heavy action going on therein, and it makes for an entertaining read. I saw this deal cross the news earlier … Read more

Zillow's Newspaper Gambit: A Possible Parallel

Eric Blackwell of Bloodhound picks up on this story that Zillow has entered into a relationship with a number of newspapers and asks a series of pointed questions. The comments section has some hot and heavy action going on therein, and it makes for an entertaining read. I saw this deal cross the news earlier … Read more

Listings Aren’t Airline Tickets

Joe Ferrara asks whether listings are like airline tickets in his post about American Airlines pulling its ticket listings from Kayak: Are home listings like airline tickets to be freely given by listing brokers and agents to any and all third party listing sites? Do listing brokers have any reason to complain so long as … Read more

Listings Aren't Airline Tickets

Joe Ferrara asks whether listings are like airline tickets in his post about American Airlines pulling its ticket listings from Kayak: Are home listings like airline tickets to be freely given by listing brokers and agents to any and all third party listing sites? Do listing brokers have any reason to complain so long as … Read more

Trulia to Active Rain: Your Days Are Numbered

Breaking news from Inman Blogger Connect: Trulia has announced that it is launching a blog platform. I don’t have a link, because this was on a piece of paper, but there will be an official announcement later. I actually had a chance to speak with Vicky Gkiza, Sr. Product Manager for Community, at Trulia and… … Read more

Renting vs. Buying — Zillow Wiki Swings and Misses

In commercial real estate, there is a standard analysis that brokers conduct: the Lease-Buy analysis. It is meant to show the client the financial impact of leasing space vs. buying the building outright. For whatever reason, this is not a standard analysis that residential agents conduct on behalf of their clients. You can find online … Read more