We Need A Little More Honesty on Upstream: A Response to Sam Debord

Longtime readers know I have a wonderful yet odd relationship with Sam Debord. I love the man! He’s one of the best guys in the industry, smart, capable, caring, a true REALTOR who serves as the President of his Association, and a really fun guy to hang with at events. But then you also know … Read more

Dear Real Estate Tech Entrepreneurs: Hey, The Buy-Side Is Done, Guys

I’m going to take a conservative estimate and say that once every few weeks, I get some PR agency emailing me with some news of a fantabulous, world-changing, paradigm-shifting (God, I love those Web 2.0 words, like paradigm), baldness-curing new technology around… you got it, home search. This is not at all an atypical example: #RealEstate Entrepreneur, Avantika Shahi Launches Revolutionary #HomeSearch Platform  … Read more

Clarifying My Remarks About Upstream and the MLS at the Zillow MLS Summit

A couple of weeks ago, I had the opportunity to speak to a group of MLS executives and leadership at the Zillow MLS Summit in Las Vegas. It was a Q&A format with Mitch Robinson from Zillow interviewing me on a number of questions and issues related to Project Upstream and the MLS. The video … Read more

The Winds of War: Zillow’s Q3 Earnings Call and the Inevitability of Conflict

By now, if you pay attention to this sort of thing, you’ve seen Zillow’s Q3/2015 earnings report and maybe even listened to the earnings call. And on the financial side of things, ZG appears to have kicked ass once again: Revenue of $176.8 million, up 13% year over year on a pro forma basis. Adjusted … Read more

The Winds of War: Zillow's Q3 Earnings Call and the Inevitability of Conflict

By now, if you pay attention to this sort of thing, you’ve seen Zillow’s Q3/2015 earnings report and maybe even listened to the earnings call. And on the financial side of things, ZG appears to have kicked ass once again: Revenue of $176.8 million, up 13% year over year on a pro forma basis. Adjusted … Read more

Is It Time for Real Estate Marketing to Change?

A relatively brief post today, as I’m still trying to catch up from being on the road so much. Plus, I realized that I’ve been writing about Big Heavy Topics lately, and thought it’d be fun to talk a bit about marketing. Believe it or not, when I started this blog in 2009, my focus … Read more

Short Friday Post: What If the Industry Yanked All Their Listings?

I recently found this post on GeekEstate, which was from a while ago, that asked a provocative question: There are some proponents for the entire industry ceasing syndication entirely (specifically to Zillow). The thinking is generally “with no listings, Zillow would become irrelevant and lose all their traffic, all that traffic would frequent agent/broker websites, and the result would be … Read more

The Future of Real Estate, According to Zillow

A couple of weeks ago, I wrote a post about Zillow’s acquisition of Dotloop, and offered the following under “The Long Game”: Over the long haul then, those who are working with Zillow, leveraging that end-to-end data, and managing the lead-to-contract-to-close lifecycle most efficiently will do more business, make more money, and drive competitors out of … Read more

Zillow Acquires Dotloop – I Chat With Errol and Austin, and Have Initial Thoughts

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SGbScr_4G0Y Earlier today, Zillow announced it was acquiring dotLoop, the popular real estate transaction management platform company. The terms of the deal were not disclosed. The press release is here: Zillow Group (NASDAQ:Z), which houses a portfolio of the largest and most vibrant real estate and home-related brands on mobile and Web, today announced it has … Read more