Realogy, Trulia, Rumors, Black Swans: Weaving the Tapestry

  A couple of days ago, there was a rumor floating around Wall Street that Realogy would acquire Trulia. Both Trulia and Realogy threw cold water on that dream quickly. Nonetheless, I found the whole thing fascinating, since a similar scenario was exactly a “Black Swan” event I used to amuse the audience at the … Read more

The Dog That Did Not Bark: NAR MLS Policy Committee Meeting

“Is there any point to which you would wish to draw my attention?” “To the curious incident of the dog in the night-time.” “The dog did nothing in the night-time.” “That was the curious incident,” remarked Sherlock Holmes. – Silver Blaze, The Memoirs of Sherlock Holmes I thought I might do a recap of the … Read more

Notorious P.O.D. Episode 8: CMLS Thoughts With Bob Bemis, Greg Robertson

  Episode 8 is a tragedy. I have a great conversation with the Notorious B.O.B. Bemis of Procuring Cause, and with Greg Robertson, of Vendor Alley and of W&R Studios (the creator of CloudCMA). We discussed CMLS, The Realty Alliance, big issues in the conflict between MLS and brokerages, future of the industry, and so … Read more