Initial Thoughts on the Listhub-Zillow Divorce By now, any reader of mine has heard about Listhub and Zillow waving goodbye to each other. As the great American philosopher Louis CK once observed, “No good marriage ever ends in divorce.” Clearly, this divorce was coming for years and years. I’m writing this in large part to figure out what I think … Read more

It's Time for a Grand Conversation on the MLS I just got back from NAR New Orleans where I got to see old friends (not enough of y’all, because that event is so f’in huge) and meet some new friends. But I said that I would be watching for some things at the event. Turns out, there wasn’t much to watch. Not a … Read more

It’s Time for a Grand Conversation on the MLS I just got back from NAR New Orleans where I got to see old friends (not enough of y’all, because that event is so f’in huge) and meet some new friends. But I said that I would be watching for some things at the event. Turns out, there wasn’t much to watch. Not a … Read more

Edina Realty Reverses Course on Syndication

I realize that the news of the day will be the News Corp buying Move, which certainly requires some thought, but since important details are missing from that story as yet and may not be clear for months to come… I figured I should take notice of another sort of significant story that just crossed … Read more

Antitrust Questions on MLS Decision to Screw With Syndication

Having just spent a couple of days at CMLS, a young man’s fancy turns to questions of MLS-related things. In this case, a middle-aged man’s fancy might turn that way too, since it’s been a while since I’ve been a young man with fancy of any sort. As most of my readers probably know, RealTracs, … Read more

Listhub Acquires Point2; I Think of TS Eliot

[EDIT: Please see the clarification posted below.] I’ve been hearing rumblings about a big game-changing deal for a couple of days, and this morning, it’s been confirmed. Listhub, a Move entity, has acquired Point2 from Yardi, bringing all listings syndication in the United States under one roof. From Celeste Starchild, General Manager of Listhub: Move … Read more

The Five Unspeakables from the California Association of REALTORS Event

The above is my view right now, as I’m in the Lakes of the Ozarks for an event tomorrow and Friday, so this post is heavily influenced by the fact that I’m sitting at a bar with a tropical drink, listening to Jimmy Buffet. So if it seems a bit of a disconnected ramble… blame Margaritaville. … Read more

Clareity Goes Back to the Future Beyond Syndication

My friends at Clareity, Gregg Larsen and Matt Cohen, have just released a white paper they co-authored titled Beyond Syndication that is worth reading in full if you’re interested in this sort of thing. They include an overview of where things stand today, and then make a recommendation or two. Despite the fact that I … Read more

NAR General Counsel Warns About Dangers of Failing to Syndicate

In case you haven’t seen this yet, Katie Johnson, the General Counsel of NAR, has written an article that comes as close to a formal legal opinion on dangers of failing to syndicate listings. Well, actually, she warns about the practice of pre-marketing, also known as “Coming Soon” but the logic that she uses applies with full … Read more