On Syndication: Is A MLS A Data Repository, or An Exchange?

A current discussion within the MLS and tech vendor industry is around the issue of listing syndication. This post by Brian Larson, and the discussions therein, is a pretty good summation of the thinking on the part of MLS executives, vendors, and consultants. As Victor Lund of the WAV Group, a leader in the world … Read more

Time for a Grand Debate? MLS, Syndication, Data Mining

Something must be in the air. Within a fairly short period of time, I’ve had emails, phone calls, and direct messages about the perils of listing syndication. In the last couple of days, two extremely smart, extremely influential people have written on topics that revolve around the issue of syndication. The first is John Heithaus, … Read more

Trulia, Syndication, Confusion

Sami Inkinen, co-founder of Trulia, has written a blogpost about the future of syndication where he raises some important questions about where the real estate industry is headed with distribution of listings: Now that listing syndication has become a mainstream practice and “syndication sites” like Trulia have grown to serve millions of users, an old … Read more

Move, Listhub, and Syndication Standards (NROB)

Originally posted to Notorious R.O.B. Back in September, when Move, Inc. (which operates Realtor.com, among other units) acquired ListHub, the leading syndicator of listings, there were a number of opinions and speculations on why Move would buy a syndicator of all things.  Given that Move gets a direct feed of all MLS listings under the NAR Operating Agreement, … Read more

Move, ListHub, and Syndication Quality Assurance

Back in September, when Move, Inc. (which operates Realtor.com, among other units) acquired ListHub, the leading syndicator of listings, there were a number of opinions and speculations on why Move would buy a syndicator of all things.  Given that Move gets a direct feed of all MLS listings under the NAR Operating Agreement, it didn’t … Read more

Don’t Blame the Victims: Online Marketing & Agents

I went to post a lengthy comment on FOREM regarding this excellent post, but something went wacky with Joel’s Captcha system (socket not found or something?) and I lost it all. 🙁  Argh.  So I’ll just respond to Joel here.  But do read his whole post, as it is excellent. My comment, which I attempt … Read more

Don't Blame the Victims: Online Marketing & Agents

I went to post a lengthy comment on FOREM regarding this excellent post, but something went wacky with Joel’s Captcha system (socket not found or something?) and I lost it all. 🙁  Argh.  So I’ll just respond to Joel here.  But do read his whole post, as it is excellent. My comment, which I attempt … Read more