Online Advertising and Content Ownership: In Which I Have Questions for Patrick Healy

Patrick Healy, the proprietor of Phacient, is a longtime friend from benighted Onboard days, through doing Lucky Strikes Social Media Club (which he has taken leadership of), and general camaraderie. He posted his thoughts on the whole syndication brouhaha on his blog, which was then picked up by GeekEstate. His point is that real … Read more

In Which I Try to Make Sense of the Austin IDX Kerfuffle

  I had to interrupt my series on Redfin 3.0 and what it might mean for brokerages because parts of the just blew up over the past day or two. AgentGenius (AGBeat?) reports that there is a dispute going on in Austin, Texas, between a group of brokers and agents (who mostly serve the … Read more

Deceased Equine Shall Be Assaulted: Start Thinking Beyond IDX

  It’s late, and I’m fairly certain that this horse I’m about to pound on some more is long since departed for greener pastures in the hereafter… but hey, what the hell, right? So by now all readers of Notorious ROB have seen the latest developments in the Syndication Serenade: Metrolist pulls IDX from Diverse … Read more

In Which I Clarify My Worries Over Syndication and IDX, And Connect The Dots

The average denizen of the cybercafe — that includes you, since you’re reading this on a blog — knows that the hot topic du jour is syndication. I wrote about it here and here already, but frankly, have been talking about this issue for quite some time. And influential bloggers like Jay Thompson and … Read more

The Fly in the Syndication Ointment…

Another brief update, before my day of continuous meetings begin…. Regarding my post yesterday on the syndication brouhaha brought on by Abbott Realty Group… first, you need to read Jay Thompson’s take on the subject. He takes longer to articulate the issue than I did, and I think more clearly than I have: If you … Read more

The Giant Syndication Hole in IDX Policy

One of the most fun things about coming to a NAR event — whether Mid-Year or Annual — is the ability to connect previously unconnected dots and have an A-HA! moment. I had one such moment yesterday in the legal seminar put on by NAR. I thought I’d jot down a few thoughts, as the … Read more

Zillow Acquires Postlets; Perceptive MLS CEO’s Draw Up War Plans

As you have probably heard by now, Zillow has acquired Postlets, the popular listings syndication platform. The initial reaction has been quiet, or supportive. Brian Boero of 1000watt Consulting wrote about the acquisition: This comes just a few months after Move, Inc’s acquisition of ListHub, a deal that upped the competitive ante between the leading … Read more

Zillow Acquires Postlets; Perceptive MLS CEO's Draw Up War Plans

As you have probably heard by now, Zillow has acquired Postlets, the popular listings syndication platform. The initial reaction has been quiet, or supportive. Brian Boero of 1000watt Consulting wrote about the acquisition: This comes just a few months after Move, Inc’s acquisition of ListHub, a deal that upped the competitive ante between the leading … Read more