Clear Cooperation Is a Disaster in the Making

Back in 2019, I wrote a post titled Pass Clear Cooperation Policy, But Address the Gaping Loophole. In that post, I pointed out that because of the office exclusive loophole, Clear Cooperation Policy creates bizarre new incentives: In the FAQ that accompanied Policy 8.0, we are told that this policy does not affect “office exclusive … Read more

The Notorious POD Ep 15: Why Not Hourly?

I saw a Facebook post talking about a common problem with real estate agents — buyer disloyalty. That got me wondering, why aren’t we moving towards agents getting paid by the hour? It would solve so many problems. The way that real estate agents are getting paid leads to a lot of issues, one of … Read more

Breaking Down LEAP Part 3, Breaking Down the Rules

Sam DeBord has posted something he himself called “where we dig into the hard work.” It’s worth reading if you’re in the MLS subsector, or care deeply about it. If not, I doubt you’d care very much. The post is “Breaking Down the Rules: Brokers and MLS Data (LEAP Part 3).” Since he asked people … Read more

Brokerage Valuation: Focus on Company Dollar

There must be something in the water. I got three separate emails recently regarding publicly-traded brokerages. Two were on EXPI because they hosted an analyst day, and one was on Compass. Plus, there’s a lot of noise out there debating whether Compass is a tech company or a brokerage or whatever. Since I’ve been covering … Read more

The Notorious POD Ep 14: LEAP & The Role of the MLS in 2021

I recently listened to Greg Robertson’s Listing Bits podcast, the episode in which he discussed LEAP with Sam DeBord and Michael Wurzer. I thought it was a fantastic conversation, and got inspired to join in. But rather than writing some 5,000 word post, I thought it would be faster and easier to just record this … Read more

Zillow is Not Your Competition: A Point from My Presentations

Happy Friday everybody. I’m back from the road, because, yeah, that started again. I wasn’t thinking of writing anything today, but then I heard the latest Randing and Raving from Bill Risser and Joe Rand. It’s an entertaining podcast because Bill and Joe are super entertaining guys. Go subscribe! In any event, the question that … Read more