NAR Mid-Year: Cry Havoc, and Let Slip the Dogs of War

I have been asked for a recap of the events at NAR Midyear, but as I did not attend the Board of Directors meeting, and as I was busy doing other things, I felt it wasn’t really my place to give a recap. It is, however, my place to offer some thoughts — high-level, unusual, … Read more

Notorious P.O.D. Episode 3: Gahlord Dewald

  For anyone who doesn’t know, which is unlikely amongst my readers, Gahlord Dewald is the Founder, CEO, and Janitor of Thoughtfaucet. He’s also one of the hosts for the Trialogues podcast. Because we’ve been missing doing these, as Matthew Shadbolt, our dear friend and Trialogues partner, is temporarily out of commission, we decided to … Read more

Association Leaders: Look, Listen, Learn

From Bloomberg comes this story about how Democrats are taking a run at Texas, the home of Rick Perry and Ted Cruz. Personally, since I’m a conservative, I will be doing what I can to make sure that Battleground Texas fails, and fails miserably. But that isn’t the point of this post. The point of … Read more

A Couple of Thoughts on Redesign

So more than  few people have already commented on the new design for Listingbits has a roundup with some choice quotes. I guess all of the commentators make good points, and on the whole, I do like the designs. But then, I didn’t hate the old design either, so there is that. But two things … Read more

Cluetrain, Derailed: Double Consciousness of the Social Age

For the past several years, I’ve been an alumnus interviewer for my alma mater, Yale University. Yale has a program like many other schools where people who have actually been there spend time with an applicant to try to determine not their academic credentials or their track record of achievements, but simply what he or … Read more

A Theory of Real Estate Brokerage: Thinking About Dr. Dunbar

I saw the following cross my Twitter feed earlier today: Great piece by @hardaway in @fastcompany “Big Brands’ Journey Toward Social Business” via — Brian Solis (@briansolis) October 18, 2012   Brian Solis, of course, is the widely respected “social business” author and consultant, and I’m sure the FastCompany article is full of goodness … Read more