Taking AI Seriously in Real Estate

For the second time this week, I’ve had the topic of AI (Artificial Intelligence) come up vis-a-vis the real estate industry. The first time was when Aaron Norris of The Norris Group asked me about it on an upcoming radio show. The second time was today, when I saw this interesting article on Inman by … Read more

The City, Post Self-Driving Cars

My April Fool’s experiment has taught me that most people simply do not click on links. 🙂 Accordingly, I’ll minimize the links on future posts, including this one, unless I feel it’s absolutely necessary. Heh. In any event, back to semi-serious topics… and there’s a great one on LinkedIn by the one and only Glenn Kelman, … Read more

Musings on the Supply Crisis

The real estate industry has been talking about low supply for a couple of years now, but it seems that some in the mainstream media have finally woken up to the issue. Chris Matthews writing in Fortune thinks that the housing crisis never ended – it just morphed into something else: “America is experiencing a … Read more

Musing on Culture: Is There Still a Stigma to Foreclosure?

Back in the dark, dark days of the Bubble (2008-2011), I remember thinking a lot about, and talking about, strategic default. Here’s a sample from the tail-end of 2010: What got me wondering is whether that commercial and others like it, which constantly denigrate banks, call mortgages illegal and immoral, and talk about how you … Read more

Agent Professionalism, Millennials, and Value

Russ Cofano, formerly of Move and the former CEO of Missouri Association of REALTORS, and an all around thoughtful man who knows a lot, has penned an interesting op/ed for Inman. He thinks that the industry’s discussions about agent professionalism is (a) misguided, and (b) won’t matter because Millennial consumers will determine what is and … Read more

How the Agent-Free Future of Real Estate Could Come About

There’s not much that excites the hoi polloi of the real estate industry more than the suggestion of disintermediation: that one day, buyers and sellers would transact business without having to call their local REALTOR and pay the commission. If it’s not one lion over the hill, then it’s another. If it’s not a lion, … Read more

A Quick Question on Upstream & the Local MLS

I am performing a miracle right now. Blogging while flying 30,000 feet in the air. Will wonders never cease! In any event, given the quality of in-flight wifi, I thought I’d keep this as short as possible. Had a fascinating discussion recently with a friend of mine in the MLS business. We got to talking … Read more

Taking the Brokercentric MLS Seriously

It’s been a busy week and a few. First, there was Inman which usually knocks me out of any sort of blog-like activities for a week. Then I moved as soon as I got home. I know some companies offers “concierge” type of services to help someone move with all the changes that entails but … Read more

Why Am I Nervous About the 2016 Housing Market?

I think I need some help. [Ed: You’re just now realizing this? Really?] Something’s not really adding up for me as I think about the 2016 housing market forecasts. Economists, including one that looks a lot like me, are forecasting sort of modest growth for housing this year, based on 2015 being a great year. … Read more