Text of My “Time for Greatness” Speech

Two weeks ago in Atlanta, at the RETech South conference, I did a session entitled “Time for Greatness”. Unfortunately, I did not think to videotape the thing — and honestly, I’d have to be some sort of an egomaniac to want to tape myself giving a speech. I had hoped that someone else might have … Read more

Text of My "Time for Greatness" Speech

Two weeks ago in Atlanta, at the RETech South conference, I did a session entitled “Time for Greatness”. Unfortunately, I did not think to videotape the thing — and honestly, I’d have to be some sort of an egomaniac to want to tape myself giving a speech. I had hoped that someone else might have … Read more

My Slides from the RETech South Presentation

Since a few people have asked for these, I’ve uploaded them to scribd… but I must warn you that they’re not likely to make a whole lot of sense without the audio. I tend to make slides as supplements/visual aids to my presentations. But, at least you’ll get an idea. 🙂 Part 1: Time For … Read more

Agent Ratings Must Be Done by Other Agents

Agent Ratings is in the news again. MLSListings, based on Sunnyvale, California, has announced that it will launch a pilot REALTOR ratings program with the California Association of REALTORS. But it appears that the MLSListings program isn’t what HAR attempted to do a while back, where consumers directly rate agents: Designed by independent consumer review … Read more

Why Does Number of Agents Matter?

This might be the shortest blogpost in history of Notorious ROB… because I’m just genuinely curious and don’t fully understand this. A recent Facebook update from a friend-of-a-friend said something along the lines of (and I’m paraphrasing here both to protect the innocent and because I’m too lazy right now to go take screenshots and … Read more

Enough With the Talking

Thanks to my friend Jack Miller, I read this post by Drew Burks of Web Real Estate Marketing in which he laments the lack of leadership in the MLS and Realtor Associations: You see the associations are focused on the wrong things!  The real estate industry is focused on growing membership and collecting membership dues; … Read more