NLRB’s Browning Ferris Decision: Bad, Bad News for Franchising

Earlier today, the National Labor Relations Board handed down its ruling in the Brown Ferris case. If you are a brokerage who belongs to a national franchise, like Coldwell Banker or Keller Williams or REMAX, or even a regional franchise, like Crye-Leike or Windermere, could I suggest that you take your mind off of Zillow … Read more

NLRB's Browning Ferris Decision: Bad, Bad News for Franchising

Earlier today, the National Labor Relations Board handed down its ruling in the Brown Ferris case. If you are a brokerage who belongs to a national franchise, like Coldwell Banker or Keller Williams or REMAX, or even a regional franchise, like Crye-Leike or Windermere, could I suggest that you take your mind off of Zillow … Read more

Some Thoughts on Zillow’s 2011 Results and Howard Hanna (In Which I Declare Peace In Our Time)

Was it just yesterday when I was speculating on Zillow’s recent hiring of Bob Bemis? Why, yes, yes it was. How things change in 24 hours when you live in interesting times. [Editor’s Note: Obviously, you started writing this on the 15th and didn’t finish? Nice managing the deadline, Rob.] Today, Zillow released their Q4/2011 … Read more

Some Thoughts on Zillow's 2011 Results and Howard Hanna (In Which I Declare Peace In Our Time)

Was it just yesterday when I was speculating on Zillow’s recent hiring of Bob Bemis? Why, yes, yes it was. How things change in 24 hours when you live in interesting times. [Editor’s Note: Obviously, you started writing this on the 15th and didn’t finish? Nice managing the deadline, Rob.] Today, Zillow released their Q4/2011 … Read more

Some Thoughts on Zillow's 2011 Results and Howard Hanna (In Which I Declare Peace In Our Time)

Was it just yesterday when I was speculating on Zillow’s recent hiring of Bob Bemis? Why, yes, yes it was. How things change in 24 hours when you live in interesting times. [Editor’s Note: Obviously, you started writing this on the 15th and didn’t finish? Nice managing the deadline, Rob.] Today, Zillow released their Q4/2011 … Read more

Curious Things Are Afoot, Part 1: Move Acquires SocialBios

This is the first part of what I think will be a three-part examination of some rather curious things I’ve been seeing. First of all, I’m sure other sites will be announcing the news that MOVE has acquired the startup SocialBios. From the press release: Move, Inc. (Nasdaq: MOVE), the leader in online real estate, … Read more