Tell Me Again How the MLS is the “Gold Standard” of Data Accuracy?

I’ll have some thoughts on Realogy/NRT’s new later, but I couldn’t resist this brief observation. I kinda knew the problem existed, but until this splashy website came along, we did not have the visual impact/evidence. If accomplishes nothing else, it really ought to wake up the industry (particularly the MLS) about the problem with … Read more

Tell Me Again How the MLS is the "Gold Standard" of Data Accuracy?

I’ll have some thoughts on Realogy/NRT’s new later, but I couldn’t resist this brief observation. I kinda knew the problem existed, but until this splashy website came along, we did not have the visual impact/evidence. If accomplishes nothing else, it really ought to wake up the industry (particularly the MLS) about the problem with … Read more

Reviewing RPR Demo, Part 1: The Invention of Gunpowder

After a fairly lengthy silence, the team at RPR has released a deluge of new information on their new blog.  A couple of things before we delve in. First, Reggie Nicolay and his team deserve a ton of credit for the new blog.  It’s well-designed, the content is rich and detailed, and many of the … Read more

The Coming Civil War in Real Estate: The RPR Saga Begins

On November 6th, at roughly 3:15PM Eastern Standard Time, the National Association of REALTORS declared war on the rest of the real estate industry.  To be fair, NAR probably did not realize that it did so.  Judging by the initial responses, it doesn’t appear to me that most people see what I saw.  But, probably … Read more

Actual Suggestions for

After my… ahem… tirade against, I felt kinda bad.  I mean, they seem like such sweet, nice people with such good intentions.  Granted, I still stand by everything I wrote in that post, but… in the spirit of wishing them well, I offer the following suggestions.  I base them on this page on … Read more