We’ll Party as the World Ends

Writing has been very light. Who am I kidding? It’s been nonexistent. Part of it is that I’ve been very busy with projects, but the other part is that there really hasn’t been much of interest that I haven’t written about over and over before. Enjoy the silence, I figure. I break that silence because … Read more

Adam Neumann’s Flow: Stupid, Evil or Both?

I am a 100% free market capitalist. In fact, I’m an AnCap (anarcho-capitalist) with strong Austrian economics leanings. So it is rare that I run across a business model that I detest. Yet, Adam Neumann’s new company, Flow, might have achieved that feat. From The Real Deal’s article Neumann reveals his vision for Flow renters … Read more

What If Housing Affordability Is Not About Supply and Demand?

I’ve been thinking about this topic for a few years now, but felt motivated to write on it after reading Ryan Gorman’s Medium post announcing what he’s working on now with btcRE. Gorman as the former CEO of Coldwell Banker understands real estate better than most people, and yet… there was something I felt was … Read more

The Mystery of the Housing Market in the Fall of 2022

I have to go back to work on a number of projects, but… I had to puzzle this out with you all in public. The latest Redfin report on the housing market is… weird. The headline is “mortgage payments hit all time high” as the Fed keeps hiking rates. So the recommendation is for sellers … Read more

Four Horsemen of the Housing Apocalypse, Part 3: On a Black Horse – Recession

In part 1, we covered legal and regulatory challenges to the real estate industry. In part 2, we covered the insane money printing that has devalued the dollar, and stuck the Fed into a corner with no options. But, thanks to rising inflation that no amount of book-cooking can cover up, the Fed has been … Read more

Four Horsemen of the Housing Apocalypse, Part 2: On a Red Horse – Money Printer Go Brrrrr

In part 1 of this series, I outlined years of writing, thinking and speaking on the subject of legal issues and regulatory challenges facing the real estate industry. We continue our journey down dark paths with the second horseman of the housing apocalypse. Let me note right at the outset that I am not an … Read more

Four Horsemen of the Housing Apocalypse, Part 1: On a White Horse

Apocalypse by Victor Vasnetsov

I haven’t written in a while. Part of it is being extremely busy with work, which I hope to be able to tell you all about soon, but a big part of the reason is dread. I keep looking for white pill stories, visions of a bright future, or at least some kind of a … Read more

Opendoor 1Q2022: The King is Dead, Long Live the King

[NOTE: I am long OPEN and have been for a while as the self-proclaimed Biggest Bull on Market Maker iBuying in the World. None of this is investment advice or solicitation; it is education/entertainment from an industry analyst perspective.] Q1 of 2022 is when I will mark a major turning point in the history of … Read more