On Turning 40

There was a time when I thought 40 was the end. I was probably 19 or so, drunk on the peculiar poetry of youth, philosophical in the way that only the semi-mature can be, and caught in the strange shadowlands between the unbounded world-is-your-oyster optimism and the soul-killing despair at the evils of the world. … Read more

New Year’s Eve, 2010

It is not often a man has the opportunity to greet the New Year knowing that it is the start of a new chapter in his life. Tonight, with but a few minutes to go before the clock strikes midnight (Central Time, as midnight would have struck already in my old Eastern Standard life), I … Read more

Top Ten Graphic Novels – A Conversation from Twitter

[This post is purely personal, and stems from a Twitter conversation I was having with @ARDELLd, @mattrathburn, @1000wattmarc, and some others.  It was also a test of Posterous. 🙂 ] So taking the Twitter conversation about top three graphic novels to the next level… here’s my personal list of the Desert Island Top Ten Graphic … Read more

Some Notes & Observations About the New Site

Just a quick note to say that the move to a self-hosted WordPress platform is ongoing.  It’s something I’ve been wanting to do for a while, but haven’t really had the time to focus on it.  I still don’t really have the time, but… as much as I love WordPress.com’s hosted service, there were things … Read more