Notorious ROB is Moving to Substack

I started Notorious R.O.B. back in January of 2008. Back then, WordPress was more or less the state of the art in technology and I was extremely excited to venture into the world of blogging — something I had actually been doing for a while in political and comics/gaming space before 2008. After over 15 … Read more

Introducing Decentre Property Exchange

In my post about the likely impact of the commission lawsuits against NAR and four corporations, I mentioned that I had a conflict of interest when it came to the issue of real estate auctions because I had been working on an auction-related initiative for a while. I had kept the initiative relatively quiet because … Read more

Inflection Point: Changes Coming to Notorious ROB

I began writing Notorious ROB on January 16, 2008, with Hello World: I like blogging, from time to time. Since I am now working at a company that doesn’t have enormous legal departments and such wanting to look over my shoulders about what I do in my personal time, on my personal blog, I can … Read more

Introducing Pedro Robinson, and the start of a new series on NextGen real estate

[Editor’s Note: The image above is not Pedro, but it is how I imagine he is writing posts like this one and beyond.] To all the wonderful readers of Notorious ROB: My name is Pedro Robinson and I just joined 7DS Associates to help Rob with content. I’ll be writing, both in my own blog … Read more

Introducing Grant, and a Special Offer

The new year brings a new face to the 7DS Associates family, and since he’ll also be joining the World of Notorious, I figure it’s a good time for an introduction. Grant McCandless has joined 7DS Associates as a Senior Associate, and I’ll let him introduce himself below. To celebrate, and for a win-win situation, … Read more