Interbroker Compensation and Compliance

As is somewhat normal, Brian Larson has a thought-provoking post on the future of the MLS up on MLS Tesseract. I gather it’s just one part of a series that he wrote a while back on Inman. In this particular post, Brian argues that interbroker compensation (aka, “Offer of Cooperation and Compensation”) is an anachronism … Read more

[7DS] If By “Reinvent” One Means “Imitate”, I Agree

[Original post at] There is a fascinating post on Find It Fill It blog (looks to me like this is a commercial real estate brokerage of some sort) about how Loopnet’s “crowdsourcing” model will reinvent commercial real estate as we know it: This is like aiming a cannon to your competition that’s holding a … Read more

[7DS] If By "Reinvent" One Means "Imitate", I Agree

[Original post at] There is a fascinating post on Find It Fill It blog (looks to me like this is a commercial real estate brokerage of some sort) about how Loopnet’s “crowdsourcing” model will reinvent commercial real estate as we know it: This is like aiming a cannon to your competition that’s holding a … Read more