A Theory of Real Estate Brokerage: Thinking About Dr. Dunbar

I saw the following cross my Twitter feed earlier today: Great piece by @hardaway in @fastcompany “Big Brands’ Journey Toward Social Business” fastcompany.com/node/3002175 via — Brian Solis (@briansolis) October 18, 2012   Brian Solis, of course, is the widely respected “social business” author and consultant, and I’m sure the FastCompany article is full of goodness … Read more

Why Does Number of Agents Matter?

This might be the shortest blogpost in history of Notorious ROB… because I’m just genuinely curious and don’t fully understand this. A recent Facebook update from a friend-of-a-friend said something along the lines of (and I’m paraphrasing here both to protect the innocent and because I’m too lazy right now to go take screenshots and … Read more