The Difference Between Business and a Profession

I’ve been traveling almost nonstop for a few weeks, so things have been light in the blogging department. My latest stop was Stefan Swanepoel’s T3 Summit in Los Angeles last week, a fabulous event made even more fabulous this year because of agent Eric Boyenga of the Silicon Valley Real Estate Team. T3 attracts  the most powerful people … Read more

The New NAR CEO Job Description and Good to Great

NAR CEO Position Description by Robert Hahn on Scribd As many of you know, I’ve already taken some public positions on the whole new NAR CEO thing. Even going back to 2015, I predicted that NAR would select a female CEO in 2016… not realizing that the search committee won’t even be formed until November. … Read more

The Soft Bigotry of Low Expectations: The Inman Person of the Year Edition

Blogging, social media, and work activities have been at an all time low. Big part of the reason is that the above is my view right now, except that you can’t see the turquoise waters of the Caribbean glistening like a carpet of gems…. So yeah, getting on the ye olde laptop is not real … Read more

Real Estate Needs a Rooney Rule

I just got back last night from the NAR Annual Convention in Orlando. There were some amazing conversations, and great parties with great friends, and interesting projects moving into the future. But there was one issue many of us were discussing that deserved this post before I have to pack up and leave for the … Read more

We Need Much More Honesty on Upstream: A Response to Rob Hahn

Well, this should be fun. After Rob’s critique of my last piece about Upstream, I thought it would be appropriate to step into the Notorious octagon. Considering I’m not a trained attorney, that’s probably a mistake (yes, that’s the first of many self-deprecations to bloat my handicap on his turf). I once put a foot … Read more

Heaven’s Got A Plan For You: The Future of Organized Real Estate, Part 1

It’s been a while since I’ve written. Blame a travel schedule that would be marriage-destroying, were I actually married, combined with far too much to do and far too little time to do it in. But I realized recently that I have actually never set down in words one of the main themes of my speaking … Read more

Heaven's Got A Plan For You: The Future of Organized Real Estate, Part 1

It’s been a while since I’ve written. Blame a travel schedule that would be marriage-destroying, were I actually married, combined with far too much to do and far too little time to do it in. But I realized recently that I have actually never set down in words one of the main themes of my speaking … Read more

Does Diversity Matter in Real Estate? (Yes, I’m Going There)

I was supposed to moderate a track of panels at Inman called Provoke, and I was really looking forward to some of those conversations, until a family situation arose that makes attending Inman impossible. (We’re all fine; my ex has to be out of the country, so I need to make sure my two boys … Read more

Does Diversity Matter in Real Estate? (Yes, I'm Going There)

I was supposed to moderate a track of panels at Inman called Provoke, and I was really looking forward to some of those conversations, until a family situation arose that makes attending Inman impossible. (We’re all fine; my ex has to be out of the country, so I need to make sure my two boys … Read more