Zillow Acquires Postlets; Perceptive MLS CEO's Draw Up War Plans

As you have probably heard by now, Zillow has acquired Postlets, the popular listings syndication platform. The initial reaction has been quiet, or supportive. Brian Boero of 1000watt Consulting wrote about the acquisition: This comes just a few months after Move, Inc’s acquisition of ListHub, a deal that upped the competitive ante between the leading … Read more

Zillow Acquires Postlets; Perceptive MLS CEO’s Draw Up War Plans

As you have probably heard by now, Zillow has acquired Postlets, the popular listings syndication platform. The initial reaction has been quiet, or supportive. Brian Boero of 1000watt Consulting wrote about the acquisition: This comes just a few months after Move, Inc’s acquisition of ListHub, a deal that upped the competitive ante between the leading … Read more

Move, Inc. Moves Into Mortgages

Move (NASDAQ: MOVE) has just launched MortgageMatch.com — a consumer-facing application that Move spokespersons say is the most important thing they’ve done since… well, acquiring ListHub. I’m writing this while sitting on the webinar/teleconference where they’re unveiling it, so… my thoughts are likely to be somewhat scattered. Once the announcement is made, and a few … Read more

Move, Listhub, and Syndication Standards (NROB)

Originally posted to Notorious R.O.B. Back in September, when Move, Inc. (which operates Realtor.com, among other units) acquired ListHub, the leading syndicator of listings, there were a number of opinions and speculations on why Move would buy a syndicator of all things.  Given that Move gets a direct feed of all MLS listings under the NAR Operating Agreement, … Read more

Move, ListHub, and Syndication Quality Assurance

Back in September, when Move, Inc. (which operates Realtor.com, among other units) acquired ListHub, the leading syndicator of listings, there were a number of opinions and speculations on why Move would buy a syndicator of all things.  Given that Move gets a direct feed of all MLS listings under the NAR Operating Agreement, it didn’t … Read more

In Which I Announce the Death of RPR

Without a doubt, the topic of conversation at this year’s NAR National Convention has been the REALTOR Property Resource (Link: PDF) or RPR, the ambitious $20mm program rolled out with much fanfare by NAR.  You couldn’t avoid talking about RPR even if you tried.  And I wasn’t really trying that hard, because RPR is a … Read more

Looking Backward vs. Springing Forward: NAR, Move and Realtor.com

Jonathan Washburn (whom I have named J-Dub, without his permission or approval) of ActiveRain and Localism hath sounded a call to arms for NAR to buy out Move, Inc (NASDAQ: MOVE). J-Dub makes some good points (and the commenters on the thread support him) — namely, that Realtors hate Realtor.com, and that Realtor.com has lost … Read more

Analyzing the Move, Inc. Earnings Call

Move, Inc. — the folks behind Realtor.com and Top Producer — held its Q4 2007 earnings conference call recently. The transcript is available on Seeking Alpha. I think it’s well worth your time to check it out in full. Move did $286M in 2007, vs. $280M in 2006. Considering the shape that the real estate … Read more