Doom-mongering, With Sandwichs!

If anyone is attending the Inman conference in NYC next week, and have no plans for lunch on Wednesday the 12th, consider joining me, Mark Boyland, and others for a fun-filled (okay, maybe not, given the topic) informal lunch-a-ma-thingamajig. I figure we’ll go from around noon till about 1:45pm or so. We’re going to talk … Read more

Would Like Your Thoughts on A Couple of 7DS Posts

Since not everyone who reads Notorious checks out my blogging on 7DS… I’d really like your thoughts on my last two posts. They’re scaring the crap out of me, and I’d love to get any counter-arguments or counter-evidence. Here they are: Title Issues in Foreclosuregate Foreclosuregate and Systemic Risk Thanks, -rsh

New Design: What Do You Think?

Quick housekeeping note… you’ve probably already seen that I’ve made some design changes around these parts.  I’m still working on some things — like rendering iframes in Chrome, cross-browser compatibility issues, etc. — but I’m reasonably happy with this so far. So… what do you think?  And if you run into problems/issues, please leave a … Read more