Notorious ROB in Japan? o.0
Honestly, one of the coolest things I’ve seen related to this blog of mine: Clicking on that link brought me to this page: Apparently, I am ロブの悪名高い in Japanese. How can I work that into a business card…. -rsh
Honestly, one of the coolest things I’ve seen related to this blog of mine: Clicking on that link brought me to this page: Apparently, I am ロブの悪名高い in Japanese. How can I work that into a business card…. -rsh
We interrupt the regularly scheduled program of heavy-duty, two-thousand word discussions about the real estate industry to bring you this light-hearted fun segment on music! A couple of weeks ago, I asked realestistas about their choice for the “Best American Band of the Past 20 Years”. I got four submissions, and since I also wanted … Read more
has been announced. -rsh
As some of you know, I’ve been getting more and more into Blip ( — a really cool social-media music community play. I’m NotoriousROB on Blip, in case you’re interested. 🙂 And walking to the office this morning, I thought, wouldn’t it be fun to do a poll/contest type of thing on the topic of … Read more
So my employer, who graciously allows me to spout off my personal views on this blog, is offering free loot to blogger types everywhere. I figured some of you could use $500, and since I can’t win it…. So… announcing the Lifestyle Search Essay Contest. The topic: Imagine the real estate search of the future … Read more
So Joe Ferrara and I are going to do a fun little event: a live debate on some topic or another. We’ve been talking about doing this for a while now, and with Inman behind us, I have time finally to try it out. So, the time and place and topic: TalkShoe (Link: 4:15PM … Read more
2009 is indeed upon us, and with it, Inman’s Real Estate Connect NYC. I would like to welcome all the realestistas heading to the Big Apple, and say I’m looking forward to meeting you all in person. And temporally speaking, 2008 has given way to 2009. I can’t explain the feeling, but I have this … Read more
Christmas Eve being tomorrow, and with me being out over the Holidays next several days originally intended to celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ, the Savior of the world in the Christian faith upon which Western Civilization has been built, blogging will be light to nonexistent. And yes, I know that the word realestistas doesn’t … Read more
As some of you know, I am a fairly conservative Republican in the mold of Reagan. My intellectual influences are the likes of Friedrich Hayek, Milton Friedman, and Thomas Sowell. I did everything I could given a fulltime job, a young family, and a blogging habit to see a Republican elected in 2008. I believe … Read more