Reviewing My 2011 Predictions

In 2009, I batted .600 in predictions for 2010.  And I thought that was fun. It’s one thing to make predictions; it’s another to look back and see how those predictions fared. How did I do last year in predicting events of 2011? I was hoping to be maybe 1 out of 7, since most of … Read more

Seven Predictions for 2011, With Music Videos!

Coming off of an awesome, Hall-of-Fame type of year in which I batted .600 in predictions (or, alternatively, a year in which I only got 6 out of 10 predictions even remotely close to right, and hence am a big #FAIL), I thought I would don the Nostradamus hat once again and make foolish predictions … Read more

Can You Say… Oh $#!^ For REO and Foreclosures?

A couple of weeks ago, I wrote that if you have a REO or short sale practice, you want to pay attention to some legal cases going on around the country: Trouble is, MERS might lack legal standing to bring a foreclosure action. At least, that’s what the attorneys for the homeowners who are getting … Read more

Have a REO & Short Sale Business? Might Want to Track This…

From the dusty files of the excruciating minutiae of bankruptcy court proceedings (courtesy of the NY Times) comes this story: But while banks may have booted a few robo-signers and tightened up some lax procedures, one question at the heart of the foreclosure mess refuses to go away: whether institutions trying to take back a … Read more

Have a REO & Short Sale Business? Might Want to Track This…

From the dusty files of the excruciating minutiae of bankruptcy court proceedings (courtesy of the NY Times) comes this story: But while banks may have booted a few robo-signers and tightened up some lax procedures, one question at the heart of the foreclosure mess refuses to go away: whether institutions trying to take back a … Read more