I Don’t Pay Cowards and Assassins

So earlier today, I get an interesting email from our form on 7DSAssociates.com: First Name: NAR Last Name: Scandal Email Address: info@narscandal.com Company: NARscandal.com Title: Phone: Comments: Breaking News!  New Scandal at the NAR Exclusive from NARscandal.com A new scandal is brewing over at the National Association of Realtors and we at (www.NARscandal.com) have the … Read more

I Don't Pay Cowards and Assassins

So earlier today, I get an interesting email from our form on 7DSAssociates.com: First Name: NAR Last Name: Scandal Email Address: info@narscandal.com Company: NARscandal.com Title: Phone: Comments: Breaking News!  New Scandal at the NAR Exclusive from NARscandal.com A new scandal is brewing over at the National Association of Realtors and we at (www.NARscandal.com) have the … Read more

Quick Update: Maybe We'll See Clarity on Employer Liability for Social Media

This is a quick note. I found something recently that bears directly on my post on Employer Liability for Employee Social Media, and I’m somewhat hopeful that we’ll see more clarity on this topic. Michael Yon is an independent journalist who reports from Iraq, Afghanistan, and other parts of the world where the U.S. military … Read more

Climategate & You: The Real Estate Edition

If you live in the United States, and rely solely on Pravda New York Times or similar for your news, you’re probably unaware of Climategate.  Basically, the entire premise of the global warming/carbon footprint craze of the past few years turns out to be totally bogus.  From the RealClearPolitics.com overview: Global warming “skeptics” had unearthed … Read more

Why Social Media Might Be All Hype After All

In my Top Nine Things I’ve Learned at BlogWorld post, I wrote: Many social media professionals talk as if social media is the future of media, then act exactly the opposite when camera crews show up. I can’t forget the moment.  Due to some deadlines, I excused myself from a session to get some work … Read more

Clients, Consumers, Information: Dialogue on My Inman Column

As expected, my latest Inman column brought out only wide agreement and headnodding.  Positively sleepy comments section there.  NOT.  Go read it fast, or better yet, go be a subscriber so Inman can continue to pay me for my ramblings.  (LOOK! A COMMERCIAL PITCH!) First of all, I owe a word of thanks to everyone … Read more