Getting On the Cluetrain, No. 2: Value of Expertise

In part one of this series, exploring the implications of the Cluetrain Manifesto on the real estate industry, I focused on the basic concept behind the Cluetrain: that markets are conversations, and in the Internet age, authenticity and honesty is absolutely indispensable. In this part, I’d like to muse on what the value of expertise … Read more

Most Appropriately Named

From Inman blog comes news of this new organization: The Association of Associates Representing Sellers (AARSTEAM), a just-launched for-profit corporation that is open to membership by independent, non-Realtor agents and brokers who work with sellers, promotes an “Oath of Actions” that may rubsome buyers (and their agents) the wrong way (see Inman News). One of … Read more

Peter Flint Interview and The Significant Misconception

I didn’t realize earlier that the great interviews Dustin Luther got with Marty Frame and Alex Chang that I commented on here and here were of a series. Coz, I’m a newbie. They’re all worth a read. His latest is no exception. He got some great answers from Peter Flint, CEO of (total … Read more

Culture of Arrogance vs. Culture of Ignorance

This being election season, I suppose it’s inevitable that we’ll see politics infecting every conversation, including those on real estate and marketing. As a fairly longtime veteran of the political blogosphere, I want to keep the focus just on real estate, marketing and technology. But this has to be addressed, because I fear that we’ll … Read more

Absolutely Brilliant

Kudos to Trulia for this: Trulia Voices is one of the most popular parts of our site. Our rapidly growing community has done a great job asking and answering real estate questions. Today, we’re excited to announce the release of our RSS feed widget for your Trulia Voices Answers. You’ll now have the ability to … Read more

A Great Website — Can It Work Here?

I just ran across this fantastic website (h/t Instapundit).  Carlust is such a great name for it as well. I really like Chris Hafner’s writing style as well — compact, personable, totally on-point.  Great blog writing, IMHO. It works beautifully for cars.  I know it can’t possibly work as beautifully for houses, since cars are … Read more

The Burden of Leadership

UPDATE:  I have been asked to take this post down by my colleagues at OnBoard, as they feel there is a conflict of interest inherent in a senior member of the executive team writing critically about a current client.  While I have my thoughts on that, in this case, I will defer to their judgment.  … Read more

How Do You Compete With WalMart?

So I’m trying to put my thoughts on cluetrain real estate together.  And while all those thoughts are swimming around my head, I read this fantastic interview of Alex Chang, CEO of, over at 4Realz. Specifically, I read this section: I don’t think it is a stretch to say that the big brokerages are … Read more