Brief Post: Why Young People Don't Become Real Estate Agents

Over on Facebook, my friend Nick Solis is on a roll about the aging REALTOR population. [fb_embed_post href=”” width=”550″/] There are some good points being made over there mostly from younger REALTOR types. But I don’t think the issue is all that complicated. So before I go board this plane, I thought I’d jot a few … Read more

Brief Post: Why Young People Don't Become Real Estate Agents

Over on Facebook, my friend Nick Solis is on a roll about the aging REALTOR population. [fb_embed_post href=”” width=”550″/] There are some good points being made over there mostly from younger REALTOR types. But I don’t think the issue is all that complicated. So before I go board this plane, I thought I’d jot a few … Read more

Reading the Union Position on Monell v. Boston Pads

As my readers know, the recent Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court (“SJC”) handed down its ruling in Monell v. Boston Pads. I wrote about that case and cautioned against irrational exuberance from the results, because the results were not exactly a huge victory for the real estate industry’s position. Thing is, Bararsani v. Coldwell Banker, the … Read more

Monell v. Boston Pads Ruling: Hold Off on the Jubilation

Earlier today, the Massachusetts Supreme Court handed down its decision on Monell v. Boston Pads, one of two independent contractor status lawsuits that the real estate industry has been watching with baited breath. (The other one, still being litigated, is Bararsani v. Coldwell Banker in California.) Bottomline: the brokerages and the REALTOR Associations that backed … Read more

Meditation on Meaning of Membership

The talk within the industry these days is all about technology. Well, by “these days” I suppose I mean the last ten years or more. Sometimes I honestly wonder who talks about technology more: REALTORS or venture capitalists. Go look on any of the social media channels frequented by real estate folks, and all the … Read more

AMP and the Small MLS

Over on Facebook, Sam Debord (regular readers are familiar with Sam) asked a really, really good question: Sam DeBord Rob, give us your take on AMP benefiting small MLSs. Does better software slow consolidation, or are other issues driving it? AMP, of course, stands for RPR’s Advanced Multi-List Platform, a project with which I’ve been … Read more

2015 NAR Midyear Legislative Meetings: Quick Takes, Without Much Thought

I have a feeling we’re going to be talking about a whole variety of things that went down at NAR Legislative Meetings & Trade Expo (aka, “Midyear”) this year for months and years to come. It’s been a great week, but rough on the sleep schedule, so these are not exactly deeply-thought-out opinions here. It’s … Read more

RPR-Upstream and Personal Liability for NAR Directors

I’m still at the NAR Midyear Legislative Sessions and heading out to meetings soon, so this will be brief. By now, you know that NAR’s Finance and Executive Committees have approved RPR to become the platform for the hitherto-mysterious Project Upstream. Inman News has coverage of the decision. Thing is, this decision highlights precisely what … Read more

The Truth About OfferGen & Telephonophobia

I recently had the pleasure of talking to Andrew Flachner of RealScout, who penned this article on Inman recently: The answer to me, and to many real estate veterans, is obvious. A strategy that directly focuses on producing more transactions, while providing more value to the client, is far more rewarding, both financially and professionally. … Read more