The Gods of the MLS Headings

Then the Gods of the Market tumbled, and their smooth-tongued wizards withdrew And the hearts of the meanest were humbled and began to believe it was true That All is not Gold that Glitters, and Two and Two make Four And the Gods of the Copybook Headings limped up to explain it once more. – … Read more

Tackling the Future of Real Estate Brokerage

I was tempted to jump in after part 1, when Danilo Bogdanovic threw down the gauntlet. But man, am I glad I waited until he was all done with his series on the future of real estate brokerage. You really owe it to yourself to read the whole series: Part 1, Part 2, and Part … Read more

Inside the Brokerage Numbers, Part 2 (AKA, Our People Are Our Most Valuable Resources. NOT!)

In part 1 of this series, I looked at per-person productivity numbers which simply made no sense. Thankfully, people like Russell Shaw and Jay Thompson stepped in to provide at least an explanation. Simply put, there are too many agents chasing the same number of deals. So despite large improvements in personal productivity of a … Read more

Inside the Brokerage Numbers, Part 1 (AKA, Umm… WTF?)

Over at the OnBlog, I posted an item discussing the difference between how much brokerages spend on print advertising vs. their website. That was for the clients (past, present and future) of Onboard Informatics. This blog is where I get to talk speculative BS with friends in the So… let me start out by … Read more

Here, There Be Monsters

First day, first session of RE Blog World, and Mariana Wagner is giving a great talk on taking someone from a random click to a closed customer. The talk itself is really solid, and Marianna is an engaging, conversational speaker. The session is being videotaped, so I’m sure RE Blog World will be posting it … Read more

Speaking of Ogilvy…

I’ve referenced David Ogilvy, the founder of Ogilvy & Mather, a number of times.  His book, Confessions of an Advertising Man, is one of the wittiest and yet most influential books I have read.  I recently ran across a webpage of “Ogilvyisms” — sayings and quotes from David Ogilvy — that I found absolutely fascinating.  … Read more

Discounting, Brand, and Real Estate

At the recent RISMedia Leadership conference, I walked around listening to the conversation, attending the sessions, and talking to people.  Not suprisingly, the market was very much on people’s minds, and a number of people were talking about pressure on commissions. That pressure is nothing new, of course.  Discount brokerages have come and gone and … Read more