ThoughtSeed from Mid-Year: On Industrial vs. Artisanal Real Estate

One of the best things about conferences is having great conversations with really smart innovative people.  Garron Seliken of M Realty is one such smart, innovative person, and he and I (along with a bunch of other folks like Marie Still, Jay Thompson, Chris Drayer, and Daniel Rothamel) had lunch today at NAR Mid Year. … Read more

Does Size Matter? (Part 3)

In Part 1, I explored how large law firms and big brokerages are similar, based on the forthcoming paper by Glenn Reynolds, a law professor and blogging pioneer.  Then in Part 2, we looked at how they’re different in some fundamental ways, particularly compensation models, that makes the size of Big Brokerage appear to be … Read more

Incentives and #RTB (Raise the Bar)

I’m working on Part 3 of the Does Size Matter series, but a conversation on Twitter turned fairly interesting and fairly intricate, so a quick little post.  This post is heavy on inside-baseball stuff about the real estate industry and the First, the setup of the debate: @ProfessionalOne (Michael McClure) whose company has adopted … Read more

Does Size Matter? (Part 2)

In Part 1 of this series, I examined a scholarly paper by one Glenn Reynolds(aka, Instapundit, who is a law professor, the author of Army of Davids, and one of the most important and influential bloggers in the United States today) about the future of big law firms and drew some lessons about how big … Read more

Does Size Matter? (Part 1)

Aaaaand I can hear the tee-hee’ing going on in Costa Mesa from here.  While I’m not above making cheap jokes in order to erect a logical argument about brokerage performance, business dysfunction, and customer satisfaction, this post is actually about serious issues in real estate, technology, and marketing.  So stop giggling. We begin with a … Read more

A Musical Review of Inman's "To Be A Broker" Study

There is an interesting little dichotomy in the results of the survey that Inman ran recently, and published as a Special Report: “To Be A Broker: Charting a Course for Recovery“.  It’ll cost ya some money, unless you’re an Inman Premium subscriber, but I think Inman did a great job here in putting the information … Read more

Random Thoughts on Dual Agency

Once in a while, realestistas get around to discussing tame, non-controversial topics.  And as any regular reader of this blog knows, I am simply allergic to controversy and disagreement.  I am glad, therefore, that people are talking over at Agent Genius about the entirely boring and controversy-free topic of dual agency. As it happens, I … Read more

Employer Liability for Employee Social Media

Buried within last week’s firestorm ignited by a couple of posts over at AgentGenius was an actually important issue that all social media practitioners and companies thinking about social media need to think about. When is a company or an organization responsible for the social media actions of its employees? Now, while I have gone … Read more