Reviewing RPR Demo, Part 1: The Invention of Gunpowder

After a fairly lengthy silence, the team at RPR has released a deluge of new information on their new blog.  A couple of things before we delve in. First, Reggie Nicolay and his team deserve a ton of credit for the new blog.  It’s well-designed, the content is rich and detailed, and many of the … Read more

No More Drama and Hype: Known Facts on RPR

[UPDATED 11/20/09: More facts added.] Earlier this week, Reggie Nicolay (@ReggieRPR), the Director of Social Media for the REALTORS Property Resource, LLC, wrote: I happen to agree 100%.  Also, a commenter on one of my earlier posts by the name of Kris Goodfellow wrote: Rob, I’ve got to say, that there is much in the … Read more

In Which I Announce the Death of RPR

Without a doubt, the topic of conversation at this year’s NAR National Convention has been the REALTOR Property Resource (Link: PDF) or RPR, the ambitious $20mm program rolled out with much fanfare by NAR.  You couldn’t avoid talking about RPR even if you tried.  And I wasn’t really trying that hard, because RPR is a … Read more

A Question: LPS, Marketing, and RPR

As many of you know, I wrote a wee little post the other day about REALTOR Property Resource or RPR.  That was the first post based on my impressions from a webinar held on November 6th. With some further thought, and with the ability to review the actual webinar/webcast itself, I have some further questions.  … Read more

The Coming Civil War in Real Estate: The RPR Saga Begins

On November 6th, at roughly 3:15PM Eastern Standard Time, the National Association of REALTORS declared war on the rest of the real estate industry.  To be fair, NAR probably did not realize that it did so.  Judging by the initial responses, it doesn’t appear to me that most people see what I saw.  But, probably … Read more