Quick Update: Maybe We'll See Clarity on Employer Liability for Social Media

This is a quick note. I found something recently that bears directly on my post on Employer Liability for Employee Social Media, and I’m somewhat hopeful that we’ll see more clarity on this topic. Michael Yon is an independent journalist who reports from Iraq, Afghanistan, and other parts of the world where the U.S. military … Read more

Employer Liability for Employee Social Media

Buried within last week’s firestorm ignited by a couple of posts over at AgentGenius was an actually important issue that all social media practitioners and companies thinking about social media need to think about. When is a company or an organization responsible for the social media actions of its employees? Now, while I have gone … Read more

Actions, Not Words (Sex & The Sellsius Edition)

According to Joe Ferrara of Sellsius, charity makes you hot: In three studies involving more than 1,000 people, Dr. Tim Phillips and his research team from the University of Nottingham found that women place significantly greater importance on altruistic traits than anything else (in all three studies). The findings were published in the British Journal … Read more

Actions, Not Words (Sex & The Sellsius Edition)

According to Joe Ferrara of Sellsius, charity makes you hot: In three studies involving more than 1,000 people, Dr. Tim Phillips and his research team from the University of Nottingham found that women place significantly greater importance on altruistic traits than anything else (in all three studies). The findings were published in the British Journal … Read more

The Gods of the MLS Headings

Then the Gods of the Market tumbled, and their smooth-tongued wizards withdrew And the hearts of the meanest were humbled and began to believe it was true That All is not Gold that Glitters, and Two and Two make Four And the Gods of the Copybook Headings limped up to explain it once more. – … Read more

Kudos to Larson/Sobotka – Must Reads on VOW Policy

I think I might have fallen in love with Larson/Sobotka.  I haven’t the faintest idea who they are, but it looks like they combine some business consulting with legal work with something else involving MLSes and such.  Bears looking into more. But they have done a great service for the RE.net by compiling a guide … Read more

Listings Aren’t Airline Tickets

Joe Ferrara asks whether listings are like airline tickets in his post about American Airlines pulling its ticket listings from Kayak: Are home listings like airline tickets to be freely given by listing brokers and agents to any and all third party listing sites? Do listing brokers have any reason to complain so long as … Read more

Listings Aren't Airline Tickets

Joe Ferrara asks whether listings are like airline tickets in his post about American Airlines pulling its ticket listings from Kayak: Are home listings like airline tickets to be freely given by listing brokers and agents to any and all third party listing sites? Do listing brokers have any reason to complain so long as … Read more

Imagining the Future of Real Estate, Part 1: The Firm As Model

It must be zeitgeist, a change in the real estate weltanschauung. I wrote a long post back in March of 2008 having a conversation with Mike Farmer on his original Biz 2.0 post on the Bloodhound Blog. He then responded with some additional thoughts. I had a 1500 word draft that wasn’t even halfway finished, … Read more