Potential Damages from Moehrl v. NAR

Last couple of days, I’ve given presentations and sat on a panel discussion talking about the class action lawsuits against NAR over the issue of commissions. I thought most people knew about these all-important cases that are making their way through the federal courts. Apparently, only about half of the REALTORS had even heard about … Read more

Four Horsemen of the Housing Apocalypse, Part 1: On a White Horse

Apocalypse by Victor Vasnetsov

I haven’t written in a while. Part of it is being extremely busy with work, which I hope to be able to tell you all about soon, but a big part of the reason is dread. I keep looking for white pill stories, visions of a bright future, or at least some kind of a … Read more

The 9th Circuit Reverses Dismissal of PLS.com v. NAR Lawsuit

Suddenly, it’s become like legal issue week here at Notorious. I wrote about the entirely expected certification of class action status in Sitzer v. NAR yesterday. Today, I get emailed the opinion by the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals in the PLS.com v. NAR lawsuit. If the class action opinion from Sitzer required reading tea … Read more

Reading Tea Leaves: Class-Action Status in Sitzer v. NAR

A number of readers have sent me the news and the actual opinion from the court hearing Sitzer v. NAR (Case No. 19-CV-00332-SRB), in which the court basically granted the plaintiffs everything they wanted. This is now officially a class action lawsuit, certified by the court, to include thousands, if not tens of thousands or … Read more

Musings on the NAR vs. USA Lawsuit

Back in July, I wrote about the Department of Justice (“DOJ”) unexpectedly pulling out of the settlement agreement it had reached with NAR and said: The withdrawal, then, combined with the above (voluntary dismissal plus broader investigations) clearly signals that the DOJ will be pursuing other antitrust claims relating to NAR’s rules. Under a stipulation … Read more

Notorious POD, Ep 27: Real Estate Photo Copyrights: Issues and Solutions with Vince Collura and Lucy Edwards of VHT

Back in 2018, I had a series called The Red Dot. The very first red dot report was on real estate photography and copyrights. This was then and remains now an important issue for the industry, and one that still remains not very well understood by most brokers, agents, and MLS leaders. So it is … Read more

REX v. Zillow Goes Forward: Analyzing the Court’s Decision

One of the lawsuits going on right now, which I’ve discussed in podcasts and such, is REX v. Zillow. I didn’t really write on it before for a variety of reasons, the biggest of which is that I regarded the lawsuit as an unfortunate waste of time for everybody involved. Another reason is that I … Read more

In Case You Were Unclear What the US Government Thinks of NAR…

It’s Friday afternoon, and posting has been very light as I’ve been non-stop traveling. But I wanted to get this out because it came up in conversation earlier today with an MLS executive, and thought that many of you probably were wondering the same thing. In light of yet another intervention in a private lawsuit … Read more