Notorious POD, Ep 41: Musings – Why Housing Will Remain Unaffordable… Unless…

A look at some recent data showing housing is becoming more and more unaffordable for the average American buyer, why that might be, and why it is not transitory or cyclical. I explore topics from macro analyst Luke Gromen, look at investor purchase data, and then touch on the one thing that could collapse home … Read more

Notorious POD, Ep 38: Musings – #RenterNation Is Coming

Musings is a solo version of the Notorious POD in which I think out loud about issues in the economy, technology, and real estate industry. This episode is a bit of an exploration, a weaving together of disparate news items that are all interconnected. I look at data on foreclosures in 2021, purchase mortgage applications, … Read more

Notorious POD, Ep 30: Musings. Fed Action, Housing and Millennials.

Musings is a solo version of the Notorious POD in which I think out loud about issues in the economy, technology, and real estate industry. In this episode, I react to a wonderful video from Blockworks called “What Will Happen if the Fed Raises Rates with Danielle DiMartino Booth.” I strongly recommend viewers to consider … Read more

Is America Making the Same Mistake as Medieval Spain?

I recently spent a good amount of time learning about the history of finance, how it functioned in some of the largest empires mankind has ever seen, and, most importantly, how those empires compare to America. Funnily enough, it was as I was driving back from visiting Rob that I came across a very interesting … Read more

Inflation is a Situation

Have you guys been keeping up with the Archegos crash? That looks like an absolute nightmare. Everyone believed Archegoes was solvent as well but the second there was any miscalculation, they lost everything. Worse, the banks were left to squabble over who had to incur the losses. Credit Suisse took a 4.7 billion dollar hit … Read more