Free Advice to The Broker Public Portal

Much in the news of late is the Broker Public Portal, a project/concept that has been in the works for months, if not years, and appears to be on the verge of happening at last. Victor Lund of the WAV Group has been publicizing the project, which had been shrouded in secrecy for quite some … Read more

Concerning MLS Enforcement of Cooperation and Compensation, An Observation

In the comments section of my post on Listhub and Zillow, an intelligent discussion and debate broke out. Given the rarity of such thing on the Interwebz, I think we should celebrate that. Now then, the subject of the discussion was around the “value proposition” of the MLS in the 21st century and how the … Read more

Seven Predictions for 2015: The Nouvelle Vague Edition

Welcome, faithful readers to an annual tradition here at Notorious ROB: making predictions for the coming year that are Guaranteed to be Wrong, or Your Money Back! The musical pairings for this edition comes from the extraordinary and extraordinarily unique French cover band, Nouvelle Vague. I mean, who else does remakes of 80’s new wave hits … Read more

Grading Time! Reviewing My 2014 Predictions

Welcome to another edition of an annual tradition, in which I go back and grade myself on my predictions made at the start of this year. My track record so far: 2010 Predictions: 6 of 10 (.600) 2011 Predictions: 4.5 of 7 (.642) 2012 Predictions: 2 for 7 (.286) 2013 Predictions: 4.5 of 7 (.642) When … Read more

On Rupert Murdoch Buying (Part 2): Wherefore Hope?

I meant to get this up days ago, but between travel, client engagements, other writings, and an upcoming vacation, I just couldn’t. But if you’ve missed Part 1, you can check it out here. In a nutshell, part 1 worries about whether the acquisition would be allowed to proceed without the government requiring that ListHub … Read more

On Rupert Murdoch Buying (Part 1)

By now, I’m sure any reader of mine knows that we have seen the second major blockbuster deal in the digital real estate space, with Rupert Murdoch’s News Corp agreeing to buy Move, Inc., the operator of, Top Producer, Tiger Leads, ListHub, and other brands. It’s an all-cash offer of $21 per share, which … Read more

Clareity Goes Back to the Future Beyond Syndication

My friends at Clareity, Gregg Larsen and Matt Cohen, have just released a white paper they co-authored titled Beyond Syndication that is worth reading in full if you’re interested in this sort of thing. They include an overview of where things stand today, and then make a recommendation or two. Despite the fact that I … Read more

Brokerage, Value, Stewardship I’ve been incredibly busy with client work and with the excitement that is Neighborhood Advocates, so blogging has been light. Who am I kidding — blogging has been nonexistent. But I was at RETSO last week when one of the panel discussions really struck me. Since I also have an upcoming presentation about brokerages, it … Read more

A Tale of Two Listings: Foreshadowing of the Future

I recently came across two different listings online, and the difference between the two was striking. One listing had 16 photos, with good descriptions of each, and the listing detail was 18 paragraphs long and filled with great detail like: The building is a walk-up and is not handicapped-accesible. There is a flight of stairs to … Read more