Why NAR Is Not Likely to Win the QRM Battle

I have to imagine, given the focused readership this blog has, that most of you already know that NAR has been fighting a war against homeownership on multiple fronts in recent months. I’ve been doing the Chicken Little dance about these Federal issues for quite some time, after all. One of those fronts is the … Read more

Realty Alliance, Franchise IDX, and Future of NAR

Earlier today, I was interviewed by Matt Carter of Inman News, who wrote a story about Realty Alliance sending a formal letter to NAR asking that the MLS Committee repeal the rule allowing franchisors to display IDX. It’s a good breaking news story on a potentially important topic. Read it in full. I was quoted … Read more

Zillow Acquires Postlets; Perceptive MLS CEO’s Draw Up War Plans

As you have probably heard by now, Zillow has acquired Postlets, the popular listings syndication platform. The initial reaction has been quiet, or supportive. Brian Boero of 1000watt Consulting wrote about the acquisition: This comes just a few months after Move, Inc’s acquisition of ListHub, a deal that upped the competitive ante between the leading … Read more

Zillow Acquires Postlets; Perceptive MLS CEO's Draw Up War Plans

As you have probably heard by now, Zillow has acquired Postlets, the popular listings syndication platform. The initial reaction has been quiet, or supportive. Brian Boero of 1000watt Consulting wrote about the acquisition: This comes just a few months after Move, Inc’s acquisition of ListHub, a deal that upped the competitive ante between the leading … Read more

Text of My “Time for Greatness” Speech

Two weeks ago in Atlanta, at the RETech South conference, I did a session entitled “Time for Greatness”. Unfortunately, I did not think to videotape the thing — and honestly, I’d have to be some sort of an egomaniac to want to tape myself giving a speech. I had hoped that someone else might have … Read more

Text of My "Time for Greatness" Speech

Two weeks ago in Atlanta, at the RETech South conference, I did a session entitled “Time for Greatness”. Unfortunately, I did not think to videotape the thing — and honestly, I’d have to be some sort of an egomaniac to want to tape myself giving a speech. I had hoped that someone else might have … Read more

This Way Lies Victory: Fixing NAR’s Political Survival Initiative

Since I broke the news of the new NAR REALTOR Party Political Survival Initiative (“#RPPSI” hereafter, as that is the Twitter hashtag as well) on Tuesday, the response has been really quite interesting and overwhelming. Various people have written blogposts on the subject. As of this writing, I know of the following posts: Jay Thompson … Read more

This Way Lies Victory: Fixing NAR's Political Survival Initiative

Since I broke the news of the new NAR REALTOR Party Political Survival Initiative (“#RPPSI” hereafter, as that is the Twitter hashtag as well) on Tuesday, the response has been really quite interesting and overwhelming. Various people have written blogposts on the subject. As of this writing, I know of the following posts: Jay Thompson … Read more