Insane Seller’s Market Calls for… Auctions?

Since this is earnings week in real estate, with Realogy, Redfin and RE/MAX all reporting… I figured any non-VIP stuff I want to write, I should get in today. And as it happens, there is something I wanted to discuss and explore. In a crazy seller’s market like the one we have today, why aren’t … Read more

Money Supply, Asset Bubble & iBuyers, Part 1: Lessons from the North

After my last VIP post about money supply and possible asset bubble (?) in housing, I got a couple of emails from people asking what if any impact there might be on iBuyers as a result. I hadn’t thought hard about that, but it’s an interesting question. With some research, I’m leaning towards the idea … Read more

The Most Important Chart from 2020

The mainstream financial press is talking about what might be the single most important chart from 2020, which is above. The U.S. money supply increased dramatically in 2020. CNBC talked about it: β€œIt’s fair to say we have never observed money supply growth as high as it is today,” Morgan Stanley chief U.S. equity strategist … Read more

Industry Relations Ep. 47: 3 Predictions for the Future of Real Estate, with Errol Samuelson of Zillow

This was a fun one, for sure, as Errol Samuelson, Chief Industry Development Officer of Zillow, is one of the smartest guys in the industry. He’s also been around the block a few times, and in very senior roles where real estate and technology intersect. He’s also quite reticent about appearing on things like podcasts, … Read more

Industry Relations Ep. 46: What’s Next for Real Estate

As threatened, Greg and I recorded a special live version of Industry Relations, inviting everyone to join in on a free-flowing conversation about what’s next for real estate. It was… an interesting experience, and one unlikely to be repeated anytime soon. Turns out, “call-in radio” style might not be our strong suit. πŸ™‚ Nonetheless, we … Read more

Industry Relations Ep. 45: Best-Case Predictions for Real Estate Post-COVID

In normal times, today would have been Uncle Sam’s favorite day of the year: Tax Day. But of course, we’re all on lockdown, including the IRS to some small extent. So… since y’all are also on lockdown, I thought you might find this latest episode of Industry Relations interesting and entertaining. Greg and I discuss … Read more

Silver Lining from Pandemic, #3: The Rise of the Exurbs

I had a conversation with a friend in the industry about some of the “what comes after?” stuff, probably like everybody else in the real estate business. While most of the “what comes afterwards?” was a bit of a downer, there was one thing we both agreed is a positive. We both believe that we … Read more

Industry Relations Ep. 44: What Forbearance Means for Mortgage Markets – with Rob Chrisman

Happy Friday, everybody! Hope everyone is keeping safe and healthy, and in as high a spirit as possible given our current situation. Just a quick post to let you know that Greg Robertson and I recorded an episode of Industry Relations with Rob Chrisman, a widely-recognized expert in the mortgage industry. We discuss what the … Read more

Silver Lining from Pandemic, #2: No Housing Armageddon, Probably…

…the key word being “probably” since none of us have any idea how long the current state of affairs will last, how many jobs will be lost, how many companies shut down, and so on. I did some fun thought experiments on an angle that occurred to me earlier today. That thought? “How much would … Read more