Real Estate Brokerages and the Changing Tides

As most of you know, I used to do in-depth updates for each of the publicly traded companies in the residential real estate sector. Since I’m not an investment analyst, my interest was always on what the public information these companies had to disclose signifies for the real estate industry as a whole. I still … Read more

Notorious POD, Ep 41: Musings – Why Housing Will Remain Unaffordable… Unless…

A look at some recent data showing housing is becoming more and more unaffordable for the average American buyer, why that might be, and why it is not transitory or cyclical. I explore topics from macro analyst Luke Gromen, look at investor purchase data, and then touch on the one thing that could collapse home … Read more

Maybe the Housing Market Will Collapse After All…

As readers, listeners of Notorious POD, and people who have heard me present live know, I’m on the record as suggesting that we do not have a housing bubble. What we have is dollar devaluation caused by massive Fed money printing since the start of the pandemic. Accordingly, I believe that the “seller’s market” will … Read more

Notorious POD, Ep 38: Musings – #RenterNation Is Coming

Musings is a solo version of the Notorious POD in which I think out loud about issues in the economy, technology, and real estate industry. This episode is a bit of an exploration, a weaving together of disparate news items that are all interconnected. I look at data on foreclosures in 2021, purchase mortgage applications, … Read more

Notorious POD, Ep 37: Construction Costs, Labor Problems and Housing Market with Tom Woiwode

I really enjoyed this conversation with Tom Woiwode who is not only the broker-owner of a large regional real estate brokerage, Coldwell Banker Access Realty with 13 offices throughout Georgia and South Carolina, but also owns Seabrook Classics, a high-end custom furniture maker, and Savannah Millworks, a custom wood products manufacturer. He’s also on the … Read more

Notorious POD, Ep 35: Housing Market and Metaverse with Keith Robinson, Nexthome

A great pleasure to be able to record a conversation with my good friend Keith Robinson, Chief Strategy Officer of Nexthome. We actually argue quite a bit about all kinds of topics, and this was a public capture of discussions we have privately. It turns out that friends can have healthy back-and-forth debates and learn … Read more

Why Haven’t Construction Costs Come Down?

I’ve got a packed afternoon, but wanted to get this up for your weekend reading pleasures. It’s mostly me looking at some data and asking what the hell? Came across this very interesting infographic while surfing the interwebz on the cost of space flight: The key phrase for me was the “Today, launching a spacecraft … Read more

Notorious POD, Ep 33: End of Buyer Agency with Jim Klinge,

In this episode, I chat with Jim Klinge of about his prediction that the end of buyer agency is nigh *without* government action. Jim has been a real estate broker in the San Diego area for decades and has seen the industry change from the ground up. We talk about how the market has … Read more

Flight to Safety?

Happy (?) Bloody Monday. Seems that as of this writing, the Dow is down over 630 points, NASDAQ down 273 points, and the S&P500 is down 90 points. The stock market is tanking like a mofo, and Gold is up $7.80 per ounce. (Though Bitcoin, which should be digital gold, is down sharply as well.) … Read more