Brief Post: Why Young People Don't Become Real Estate Agents

Over on Facebook, my friend Nick Solis is on a roll about the aging REALTOR population. [fb_embed_post href=”” width=”550″/] There are some good points being made over there mostly from younger REALTOR types. But I don’t think the issue is all that complicated. So before I go board this plane, I thought I’d jot a few … Read more

Brief Post: Why Young People Don’t Become Real Estate Agents

Over on Facebook, my friend Nick Solis is on a roll about the aging REALTOR population. [fb_embed_post href=”” width=”550″/] There are some good points being made over there mostly from younger REALTOR types. But I don’t think the issue is all that complicated. So before I go board this plane, I thought I’d jot a few … Read more

In Which I Welcome the WSJ to 2011

Longtime readers of this blog know that I’ve been talking about Millennials for years now. Back in April of 2011, I wrote a post worrying about Millennials and family formation: Given the above facts and data, how do you see the Millennials dealing with this issue? Because it’s not a small issue of just boys … Read more

That Mysterious "Other" – Tales from Google Consumer Survey

Tim Dain is the Executive Director at SIRMLS and one of the most forward-thinking MLS people in the industry today. He’s also a bit of a tech geek and likes to experiment with techie things. Well, he sent me something he did through Google’s new consumer survey service, and I thought it was interesting enough … Read more

That Mysterious “Other” – Tales from Google Consumer Survey

Tim Dain is the Executive Director at SIRMLS and one of the most forward-thinking MLS people in the industry today. He’s also a bit of a tech geek and likes to experiment with techie things. Well, he sent me something he did through Google’s new consumer survey service, and I thought it was interesting enough … Read more

Intention vs. Ability: More Truthiness On Millennials and Homeownership

Maybe it’s the frothy spring real estate market where multiple offers and higher prices are blooming like tulips, but there is yet another please-dear-god-let-this-be-true prayer disguised as a news story making its way around the Interwebz. The persistent prayer is that the Millennials will unleash themselves into the housing market and buy up homes left, … Read more

A Few Questions on Housing Inventory

My friend Mike Simonsen of Altos Research recently put up an excellent post explaining why he thinks the housing inventory levels remain so low. Read the whole thing, since Mike is one of the sharpest guys in the industry, and he uses data that the other analysts often do not. In summary, Mike thinks that … Read more

Market Opportunity Alert: Maxim Realty

Maxim, of course, is the lad magazine that pioneered the space between GQ, Esquire, and such “gentleman’s periodicals” and Playboy and those magazines wrapped in black plastic on the shelves. I’ve always thought of it as Cosmopolitan for men. When people talk about “lifestyle real estate”, they usually mean far more genteel brands. From the … Read more

Where Are The Gen-Y REALTORS?

There’s a fascinating, if opaque, puff piece on the Gen-Y (or Millennials) over at HLN extensively quoting Nick Shore of MTV Insights, the market research and consulting arm of MTV. Money grafs: What we found was counter to the often-charged caricature of today’s youth as “entitled” and “coddled.” Instead, we found a vibrant and strong … Read more