Pandemic, Gen-Z, and Household Formation

Longtime readers know that one of my abiding interests is in household formation among the younger generations in US and Canada. I even have a whole category/tag devoted to it: Generation Screwed – Millennials and Beyond. Thanks to a new post by Zillow Research, we have another opportunity to dip back into this evergreen topic. … Read more

Seven Predictions for 2021: The Eurovision Song Contest Edition

It’s that time of year again. Chestnuts roasting on an open fire. Jack Frost nipping at your nose. And Rob making ridiculous predictions sure to be wrong about the year to come. Welcome to the predictions for the Year After the Pandemic. Let’s all raise a glass and forget that 2020 ever happened, and move … Read more

Silver Lining from Pandemic, #3: The Rise of the Exurbs

I had a conversation with a friend in the industry about some of the “what comes after?” stuff, probably like everybody else in the real estate business. While most of the “what comes afterwards?” was a bit of a downer, there was one thing we both agreed is a positive. We both believe that we … Read more

The Shape of Housing Politics to Come

I got my laptop back, finally, after spending three days in intensive care and undergoing surgery. So to celebrate, I thought I’d put up a brief (hopefully) post for your weekend reading pleasure. Well, “pleasure” might be the wrong word here, given the topic and the issues… but it will give you something to think … Read more

African-American Homeownership Lowest Since 1968: What If It’s Not All Race?

Happy Monday, everybody! So if you haven’t seen it yet, Inman ran a big article last Friday talking about a statement by Bryan Greene, NAR’s director of Fair Housing policy: “We’ve seen homeownership rates among racial groups steadily rise, but I think many of us would have expected rates to have risen more,” Greene added. … Read more

[VIP] The Notorious Interview: Skylar Olsen, Kathryn Coursolle, Zillow Research

In today’s episode of the Notorious Interview, I have a fantastic conversation with a pair of economists from Zillow Research, which publishes an annual Consumer Housing Trends Report.  It is one of the best research studies on what is happening on the ground with buyers, sellers and renters. Ms. Olsen is the Director of Economic … Read more

The Truth About Millennials and Housing with Nicole Lopez

I’m quite excited to bring you this post, largely because it is about showcasing someone else’s work that needs showcasing. This is an interview of Nicole Lopez, the team leader/owner of The PR Group with Compass in Houston. She is not just a successful REALTOR, she is also a rising leader in the local and … Read more

Millennials and Rent Control

Back in February, I wrote a long post imploring the Young Professionals Network (YPN) of the National Association of REALTORS to take up housing affordability as their issue: Homeownership is not under attack; if anything, homeownership is widely subsidized and supported, in large part because of REALTOR political action. Think about it. Mortgage interest deduction … Read more

The Most Important Article for REALTOR Leaders to Read: The End of Aspiration

I’m busy and about to head off to a strategy session, but I had to share this with you all — especially with those who are in leadership positions in REALTOR Associations and local/regional MLSs. I may have thoughts on this in the future, but for now, let me just tell you that this might … Read more