Technology Cannot Save Broken Business Models

There’s an interesting post discussing the Future of Tech in the Brokerage making the rounds of the by Harper Thorpe, a senior executive at CoreLogic. It’s a great post, and fully worth a read. I urge you to read the whole thing. In the post, Harper makes the point that success or failure as … Read more

Why NAR Is Not Likely to Win the QRM Battle

I have to imagine, given the focused readership this blog has, that most of you already know that NAR has been fighting a war against homeownership on multiple fronts in recent months. I’ve been doing the Chicken Little dance about these Federal issues for quite some time, after all. One of those fronts is the … Read more

Have You Seen Me? The Role of the Broker in Contemporary Real Estate

One of the most insightful set of comments I’ve ever read on this here blog (remember, I usually learn more from writing this blog than I ever “teach”) is to my last post about technology-loving agents. As it happens frequently around these here parts, at the same time I was being enlightened by you, the … Read more

Wait Just One Minute… Did NAR Just Concede Its Data Sucks?

So CoreLogic releases a report in which it claims that NAR’s widely used Existing Home Sales stats are total garbage: CoreLogic reported sales totaled only 3.6 million in 2010, down 12 percent from 2009. By comparison, NAR reported sales fell only 5 percent in 2010 after rising in 2009, and were flat relative to 2008. … Read more

Seven Predictions for 2011, With Music Videos!

Coming off of an awesome, Hall-of-Fame type of year in which I batted .600 in predictions (or, alternatively, a year in which I only got 6 out of 10 predictions even remotely close to right, and hence am a big #FAIL), I thought I would don the Nostradamus hat once again and make foolish predictions … Read more

Interbroker Compensation and Compliance

As is somewhat normal, Brian Larson has a thought-provoking post on the future of the MLS up on MLS Tesseract. I gather it’s just one part of a series that he wrote a while back on Inman. In this particular post, Brian argues that interbroker compensation (aka, “Offer of Cooperation and Compensation”) is an anachronism … Read more

Future of Rentals: PETRA, TRA, and End of Housing As We Know It

[Note: This is a longer version of the original, which was posted on AOL Housingwatch a few days ago.  I’m crossposting it because Notorious ROB has no space constraints and my readers are used to 2,000 word posts, heh. :)] In Part 1 of this series, where I laid out why I believe the 30-year fixed … Read more

Fannie and Freddie: Into Commercial Real Estate, Out of Residential

In my earlier post on the New Normal in real estate, a commenter took issue with my predictions about the future of the 30-year fixed rate mortgage (among other claims).  I thought I would expand on that aspect a bit. The specific mechanism that I think will be put in place is a change in … Read more

Slouching Towards DC, Part 2: A “Balanced” Policy

In part 1, I laid out some hints of what the Obama Administration has in mind for a new federal housing policy that would “reset the rules of the market” and engage in a “fundamental rethink” not just of the mechanics of housing finance, but of the objectives of housing policy themselves.  The Treasury now … Read more