A Healthy Housing Market?

According to Google Trends, consumer’s interest in learning about a potential “housing bubble” is back at its rolling 12-month high. Given my recent speculation about the government’s misleading CPI calculation, I certainly am a contributor to the increase in Google searches on the topic of housing bubbles.  Lately, I’ve written about why the housing market … Read more

Can You Say… Oh $#!^ For REO and Foreclosures?

A couple of weeks ago, I wrote that if you have a REO or short sale practice, you want to pay attention to some legal cases going on around the country: Trouble is, MERS might lack legal standing to bring a foreclosure action. At least, that’s what the attorneys for the homeowners who are getting … Read more

Have a REO & Short Sale Business? Might Want to Track This…

From the dusty files of the excruciating minutiae of bankruptcy court proceedings (courtesy of the NY Times) comes this story: But while banks may have booted a few robo-signers and tightened up some lax procedures, one question at the heart of the foreclosure mess refuses to go away: whether institutions trying to take back a … Read more

Have a REO & Short Sale Business? Might Want to Track This…

From the dusty files of the excruciating minutiae of bankruptcy court proceedings (courtesy of the NY Times) comes this story: But while banks may have booted a few robo-signers and tightened up some lax procedures, one question at the heart of the foreclosure mess refuses to go away: whether institutions trying to take back a … Read more

In Which I Support Government Bailout of Foreclosed Homeowners

According to the Zillow Blog, 1 in 7 American homeowners are now “underwater” on their mortgage. So the Zillowites ran a survey of 1300 homeowners. And found interesting answers: One question we asked was: Do you think homeowners who are currently facing foreclosure because they took out an adjustable rate mortgage or other loan that … Read more

Washington Post and Assumptions

Inman News has a very interesting… I guess one would have to call it an Op/Ed or News Analysis on the Washington Post’s story on HUD Secretary Jackson’s last day: An article in last Sunday’s Post deserves credit for attempting to go beyond the allegations of cronyism that forced Jackson to resign, and taking a … Read more