Raising the Bar and Lawsuits… A Thought

I know I haven’t been blogging, but hey… when you’re sitting on the beach in Aruba staring at gently lapping waves of turquoise waters, diving into the Interwebz isn’t real high on your list of priorities. Trust me on that. 🙂 In any event, saw an interesting little tidbit this morning on Inman News that … Read more

Quick Update: Maybe We’ll See Clarity on Employer Liability for Social Media

This is a quick note. I found something recently that bears directly on my post on Employer Liability for Employee Social Media, and I’m somewhat hopeful that we’ll see more clarity on this topic. Michael Yon is an independent journalist who reports from Iraq, Afghanistan, and other parts of the world where the U.S. military … Read more

Quick Update: Maybe We'll See Clarity on Employer Liability for Social Media

This is a quick note. I found something recently that bears directly on my post on Employer Liability for Employee Social Media, and I’m somewhat hopeful that we’ll see more clarity on this topic. Michael Yon is an independent journalist who reports from Iraq, Afghanistan, and other parts of the world where the U.S. military … Read more

Employer Liability for Employee Social Media

Buried within last week’s firestorm ignited by a couple of posts over at AgentGenius was an actually important issue that all social media practitioners and companies thinking about social media need to think about. When is a company or an organization responsible for the social media actions of its employees? Now, while I have gone … Read more