Zillow, Q4/2020: The Prophecies Getting Fulfilled

As you all know by now, Zillow reported its Q4 and full year 2020 earnings yesterday. It was a monster quarter. As of this writing, ZG stock is over $200 and for good reason, since Zillow outperformed even the high end of their projections in Q4. The analysts I like and follow are very, very … Read more

How Bizarre: Zillow, ShowingTime and Paranoid REALTORS

I love this industry, I really do. It has some of the best people I have ever met, real salt of the earth people who genuinely care about their clients, their communities, about each other, about the country, about the world. They’re real sweethearts and genuine and fun, fun people. But there are times when … Read more

What Did the Judge Mean Here? Questions on the PLS v. NAR Ruling

I don’t have a lot of time, so this won’t be one of my normal lengthy speculations and such. Just a few questions. In case you missed it, Inman reported on the PLS v. NAR lawsuit that was just dismissed with prejudice by the federal court. It’s a good piece of reporting, so go read … Read more

The CoStar Red Dot Report is Now Available

Maybe I should be doing a press release or something, but we ain’t fancy like that around here. We’re a bit more down-home, take me home country roads style. Yes, I know that’s unusual for an Asian-American lawyer from the Ivy League, but that’s just how we roll here. After weeks of research, enormous effort, … Read more

NY Senate Final Investigative Report, Part 1: The Findings

Sparked by some Grade A investigative reporting by the NYC daily periodical, Newsday, the New York State Senate (“NYS Senate”) launched an investigation last year into unfair housing practices and held hearings that culminated last week with the release of its “Final Investigative Report.” If you haven’t read the Newsday report, you can do that … Read more

Money Supply, Asset Bubble & iBuyers, Part 2: The Mortgage Play

In Part 1, we looked at the opportunities that might arise for iBuyers because the housing market is about to go cray-cray. The basic idea is that as hyperinflation hits housing, sellers will come to prioritize timing and certainty over getting the most money possible, because most of them will be buyers on the other … Read more

Money Supply, Asset Bubble & iBuyers, Part 1: Lessons from the North

After my last VIP post about money supply and possible asset bubble (?) in housing, I got a couple of emails from people asking what if any impact there might be on iBuyers as a result. I hadn’t thought hard about that, but it’s an interesting question. With some research, I’m leaning towards the idea … Read more

Seven Predictions for 2021: The Eurovision Song Contest Edition

It’s that time of year again. Chestnuts roasting on an open fire. Jack Frost nipping at your nose. And Rob making ridiculous predictions sure to be wrong about the year to come. Welcome to the predictions for the Year After the Pandemic. Let’s all raise a glass and forget that 2020 ever happened, and move … Read more