The Notorious POD Ep 14: LEAP & The Role of the MLS in 2021

I recently listened to Greg Robertson’s Listing Bits podcast, the episode in which he discussed LEAP with Sam DeBord and Michael Wurzer. I thought it was a fantastic conversation, and got inspired to join in. But rather than writing some 5,000 word post, I thought it would be faster and easier to just record this … Read more

Zillow is Not Your Competition: A Point from My Presentations

Happy Friday everybody. I’m back from the road, because, yeah, that started again. I wasn’t thinking of writing anything today, but then I heard the latest Randing and Raving from Bill Risser and Joe Rand. It’s an entertaining podcast because Bill and Joe are super entertaining guys. Go subscribe! In any event, the question that … Read more

The Biggest Flaw in NAR’s Defense of Commissions

I’ve been busy, including my first actual physical business trip in quite a while. I am happy to report for those who might have FOMO that air travel is even less pleasant than it was pre-virus. Trust me, you ain’t missing nothin’. In the strat plan session I ran, we talked about the commission lawsuits … Read more

[VIP] RE/MAX Q4 and FY2020: Looking Forward

Obviously, this analysis is late. RE/MAX reported its Q4 and full year 2020 results on February 25th, almost two weeks ago. I’m just now getting around to it because… well… a sense of obligation perhaps. Because frankly, after everything I wrote about RE/MAX the last few earnings calls (Q3 here, Q2 here, Q1 here, Q4-2019 … Read more

Initial Thoughts on Compass S-1

Yesterday, Compass Inc., a real estate brokerage that has been disrupting some of the largest companies in the industry, filed its S-1 to go public sometime this year. I’ve been waiting for this day for quite some time because Compass gives us another traditional split-based brokerage that has to report its numbers. At first glance, … Read more

[VIP] Realogy, Q4 and Full Year 2020: Pivot Cometh?

A year ago, I wrote these words while analyzing Realogy’s 2019 results: But I can’t ignore the fact that 2019 was not a good year, nor can I pretend that Q4 was particularly strong because of the optimism coming from Schneider. There are real problems at Realogy, and real reasons for concern. At the top … Read more

Insane Seller’s Market Calls for… Auctions?

Since this is earnings week in real estate, with Realogy, Redfin and RE/MAX all reporting… I figured any non-VIP stuff I want to write, I should get in today. And as it happens, there is something I wanted to discuss and explore. In a crazy seller’s market like the one we have today, why aren’t … Read more