Does Size Matter? (Part 3)

In Part 1, I explored how large law firms and big brokerages are similar, based on the forthcoming paper by Glenn Reynolds, a law professor and blogging pioneer.  Then in Part 2, we looked at how they’re different in some fundamental ways, particularly compensation models, that makes the size of Big Brokerage appear to be … Read more

Does Size Matter? (Part 2)

In Part 1 of this series, I examined a scholarly paper by one Glenn Reynolds(aka, Instapundit, who is a law professor, the author of Army of Davids, and one of the most important and influential bloggers in the United States today) about the future of big law firms and drew some lessons about how big … Read more

Does Size Matter? (Part 1)

Aaaaand I can hear the tee-hee’ing going on in Costa Mesa from here.  While I’m not above making cheap jokes in order to erect a logical argument about brokerage performance, business dysfunction, and customer satisfaction, this post is actually about serious issues in real estate, technology, and marketing.  So stop giggling. We begin with a … Read more