Words Matter: The Case Against "Listing Data"

Not that there’s anything truly new under the sun when it comes to the old warhorse topic of listing syndication, but… something did occur to me while wading through this nugget on Inman News’ Facebook Page. Is it possible that so much of the discussion is confused because of the word “data”? For example, Saul … Read more

Notorious P.O.D. Episode 2: Krishna Malyala of TLCEngine

  So… I’ve decided to start doing podcasts. Because it’s fun, it allows me to get really in-depth on some topics without having to write 50,000 word posts, and because some things (like interviewing cool and interesting people doing cool and interesting things, or arguing about some topic or another) are easier on audio than … Read more

Three Black Swans: From the T3 Summit

Above is the presentation I gave at Stefan Swanepoel’s T3 Summit in Las Vegas this past week. I had a great time researching and preparing it, and there is a thread over on Facebook (courtesy of Michael McClure, who used my presentation to showcase how to generate online buzz) discussing the three black swans. But … Read more

Intention vs. Ability: More Truthiness On Millennials and Homeownership

Maybe it’s the frothy spring real estate market where multiple offers and higher prices are blooming like tulips, but there is yet another please-dear-god-let-this-be-true prayer disguised as a news story making its way around the Interwebz. The persistent prayer is that the Millennials will unleash themselves into the housing market and buy up homes left, … Read more

Estately Quietly Proves a Business Model

The Pacific Northwest, where denizens created a religion out of worshipping coffee to overcome the gloom of the rainy months, has somehow become the mecca for technology-based innovation in the real estate industry. Everyone knows about Zillow, of course. Most folks know about Redfin. MarketLeader, and its portal, RealEstate.com are also in the Seattle area … Read more

Jeff Brown Explains It For You: Why Agent-Centric Brokerage Sucks

Over at AGBeat, Jeff Brown — a real estate broker I know personally and have respected for years both for his knowledge and his utter fearlessness — gets into the weeds and explains why “agent-centric” brokerage model sucks. Well, to be fair, the actual title of his post is, “Why real estate’s agent-centric broker models … Read more

That, Or Cause a Wave of Unfriending…

Either one is a possibility.

Facebook’s revamped ‘Newsfeed’ could be a boon for agents (Inman News):

The redesign’s focus on images and video could help generate more interest in listings real estate agents market on the social media site.

I’ve got my unfriend button ready to rock if a flood of listing photos start invading my news feed. Or unsubscribe from Facebook altogether.

Either one is a possibility.


A Couple of Thoughts on realtor.com Redesign

So more than  few people have already commented on the new design for Realtor.com realtor.com. Listingbits has a roundup with some choice quotes. I guess all of the commentators make good points, and on the whole, I do like the designs. But then, I didn’t hate the old design either, so there is that. But two things … Read more

Marketing and Seduction: A Valentine’s Day Special

Ah, Valentine’s Day. I’ve always hated this particular “holiday”, whether single, dating, or married. How a religious holiday celebrating a guy who was beaten with clubs and stones before being beheaded for the crime of trying to convert a Roman emperor to Christianity became a day of flowers and candy and male guilt is beyond … Read more