Dear NAR: Whatever You’re Doing Ain’t Working

Over at TechCrunch, a hugely influential web technology site, there’s a profile of Redfin up. The profile itself is pretty bland and content-free. But the comments to that post has some… ah… action in there. For example, here’s a “Kerry R“: I’m not paying an F-ing real estate agent any fees, they don’t do anything! … Read more

Dear NAR: Whatever You're Doing Ain't Working

Over at TechCrunch, a hugely influential web technology site, there’s a profile of Redfin up. The profile itself is pretty bland and content-free. But the comments to that post has some… ah… action in there. For example, here’s a “Kerry R“: I’m not paying an F-ing real estate agent any fees, they don’t do anything! … Read more

Halstead, Brand Suicide, and Media Companies

Over at the Future of Real Estate Marketing blog, Joel Burslem celebrates Halstead’s incorporation of New York magazine’s neighborhood profiles on their website. But then he goes on to make what I think is an outrageous claim: It also signals to me that more brokers are waking to the reality that they themselves are media … Read more

New Model for Real Estate? Let’s Try an Older Idea.

Pat Kitano at Transparent Real Estate has an interesting post speculating on what the future of the real estate industry might look like, by taking a look-see at the finance world. If one subscribes to the idea that a real estate transaction is basically matching capital with opportunity, and that the transactional process has become … Read more