Heaven's Got A Plan For You: The Future of Organized Real Estate, Part 1

It’s been a while since I’ve written. Blame a travel schedule that would be marriage-destroying, were I actually married, combined with far too much to do and far too little time to do it in. But I realized recently that I have actually never set down in words one of the main themes of my speaking … Read more

A Few Thoughts on Marketing in the Social Age (Possibly Evergreen)

When I started this blog, the focus was on marketing, especially social media and blogging. Over time, it’s morphed into a real estate industry blog, because my work took me towards industry issues stuff. But I’m still fascinated by marketing, and I think I kinda know what I’m doing in that arena as well. I mention … Read more

Dear Real Estate Tech Entrepreneurs: Hey, The Buy-Side Is Done, Guys

I’m going to take a conservative estimate and say that once every few weeks, I get some PR agency emailing me with some news of a fantabulous, world-changing, paradigm-shifting (God, I love those Web 2.0 words, like paradigm), baldness-curing new technology around… you got it, home search. This is not at all an atypical example: #RealEstate Entrepreneur, Avantika Shahi Launches Revolutionary #HomeSearch Platform  … Read more

What If We Let the Consumer Decide on Syndication?

It’s funny. Although I’ve been writing about syndication issues on these pages for oh… five or six years now… looking at all the different angles to that dead horse that won’t die… thanks to a Facebook post I just read, I thought of another new angle. Just goes to show you (well, show me) that … Read more

Seven Predictions for 2016: The 90s Dance Music Edition

As you can probably see, this is a special edition of my 7 predictions. I normally post those on my blog at Notorious R.O.B., but not this year! Brad Inman asked if I wanted to share these crazy predictions with the readers of Inman, and I thought, why not? I mean, these are predictions sure … Read more

Grading Time! Reviewing My 2015 Predictions

Welcome to another edition of an annual tradition, in which I go back and grade myself on my predictions made at the start of this year. My track record so far: 2010 Predictions: 6 for 10 (.600) 2011 Predictions: 4.5 for 7 (.642) 2012 Predictions: 2 for 7 (.286) 2013 Predictions: 4.5 for 7 (.642) 2014 Predictions: 3 for … Read more

Brass Tacks: What To Do About Marginal REALTORS?

My recent post on Zillow and the winds of war led to some predictable responses. The automated bot-scripts posted about how Zillow sucks, the leads are terrible, and how Spencer’s gonna eat your baby, etc. etc., even though my post had nothing to do with any of that. The principal objection of those who actually … Read more

Update on NBER’s REALTOR Commission Study

A few weeks ago, I put up a post about a working paper study from the National Bureau of Economic Research that researched the question of real estate commissions. The authors basically concluded that the reason why real estate commissions are so high is because buyer agents steer clients to properties that are paying higher cooperating … Read more

Update on NBER's REALTOR Commission Study

A few weeks ago, I put up a post about a working paper study from the National Bureau of Economic Research that researched the question of real estate commissions. The authors basically concluded that the reason why real estate commissions are so high is because buyer agents steer clients to properties that are paying higher cooperating … Read more