[PREMIUM] Move, Trulia, Zillow: Q1/2013 Report – The Narratives Take Shape

When I began writing this report, I did not think that a mere update on quarterly results would reach over 12,000 words and require so much work. After all, the annual report is the really important one, and the quarterly reports are mere milestones along the path. But with all of the changes going on … Read more

NAR Mid-Year: Cry Havoc, and Let Slip the Dogs of War

I have been asked for a recap of the events at NAR Midyear, but as I did not attend the Board of Directors meeting, and as I was busy doing other things, I felt it wasn’t really my place to give a recap. It is, however, my place to offer some thoughts — high-level, unusual, … Read more

Brief Report from NAR Midyear MLS Policy Committee Meetings

  Let’s just say that Internet access where I am is shaky, at best. So I’ll try to keep this as brief as possible. A couple of interesting things happened today at the MLS Policy Committee Meeting. I’m sure the full report will be available after Midyear, but these are my initial brief thoughts. MLS … Read more

Words Matter: The Case Against “Listing Data”

Not that there’s anything truly new under the sun when it comes to the old warhorse topic of listing syndication, but… something did occur to me while wading through this nugget on Inman News’ Facebook Page. Is it possible that so much of the discussion is confused because of the word “data”? For example, Saul … Read more

Words Matter: The Case Against "Listing Data"

Not that there’s anything truly new under the sun when it comes to the old warhorse topic of listing syndication, but… something did occur to me while wading through this nugget on Inman News’ Facebook Page. Is it possible that so much of the discussion is confused because of the word “data”? For example, Saul … Read more

Notorious P.O.D. Episode 2: Krishna Malyala of TLCEngine

  So… I’ve decided to start doing podcasts. Because it’s fun, it allows me to get really in-depth on some topics without having to write 50,000 word posts, and because some things (like interviewing cool and interesting people doing cool and interesting things, or arguing about some topic or another) are easier on audio than … Read more

Three Black Swans: From the T3 Summit

Above is the presentation I gave at Stefan Swanepoel’s T3 Summit in Las Vegas this past week. I had a great time researching and preparing it, and there is a thread over on Facebook (courtesy of Michael McClure, who used my presentation to showcase how to generate online buzz) discussing the three black swans. But … Read more