The Tiger Over the Hill: Real Estate in the Age of Elance

In 1993, Bill Chee gave the (in)famous “Lion Over the Hill” speech in which he sounded the alarm at tech companies coming in and destroying the MLS. Of course, with the benefit of hindsight, we know either that Lion never came over the hill, because it was far too steep to climb for outsiders, or … Read more

Notorious POD, Episode 6: Dan Duffy of United Real Estate

  So Episode 5, with George Kalgeroupolos of RentMetrics was my favorite… until this one, Episode 6. It’s entirely possible that the next one will be my next favorite too. I have a great conversation with Dan Duffy, CEO of United Real Estate. As you’ll hear, United RE might be the biggest and most important … Read more

FYI, Experiencing Some Technical Difficulties

For those of you who are email subscribers, I know the post on the Q2/2013 Realogy Report went out. Thought I had caught it last night, before it hit the RSS feed. I’m experiencing some technical difficulties with that, and have someone looking at it right now.

Sorry about that. It should be good and ready hopefully today sometime.


Update: On phone now.

IDX Websites, Mobile, and Heretical Questions

My friends over at Clareity Consulting have released a new white paper entitled, “Is Your IDX Website Mobile Friendly, or Driving Away Business“. You can download the PDF by clicking on that link. It’s a really solid report if you’re in the market for a new IDX website, or need to redo your existing one … Read more

Notorious P.O.D. Episode 5: RentMetrics and George Kalogeropoulos

  Episode #5 is one of my favorites. I love introducing innovative startups in real estate to the high level elite audience that frequents this blog. (That would be you, dear reader/listener.) But this one was really special. George Kalogeropoulos, Founder and CEO of, is frikkin’ brilliant. I think you can tell just from … Read more

City of Eastvale to Real Estate Investors: FOAD

My last post dealt at some length with Federal policy. But in many of my writings, presentations, and comments, I point out that the folks who are most likely to get all up in your business are municipalities. Case in point: the city of Eastvale, CA, with some 57,000 residents, is contemplating telling real estate … Read more

Deconstructing Obama on Housing

As I’m sure my industry-savvy readers — that would be you — know by now, President Obama sat down with Spencer Rascoff, CEO of Zillow, for a half hour interview in which the President answered questions that Zillow gathered from social media. The video is embedded above. Thing is, if we’re going to understand where … Read more

Notorious P.O.D., Episode 4: Carol Seal & Mark Blazek from Greater Chattanooga Association of REALTORS

  In this episode, I have a great conversation with Carol Seal, CEO and EVP, and Mark Blazek, the President of the Greater Chattanooga Association of REALTORS. Topics range from their new website (at, their reasons for relaunching the public-facing portal, commercial real estate and the Association, off-market listings, third party websites, business models … Read more

Notorious P.O.D., Episode 4: Carol Seal & Mark Blazek from Greater Chattanooga Association of REALTORS

  In this episode, I have a great conversation with Carol Seal, CEO and EVP, and Mark Blazek, the President of the Greater Chattanooga Association of REALTORS. Topics range from their new website (at, their reasons for relaunching the public-facing portal, commercial real estate and the Association, off-market listings, third party websites, business models … Read more