Integrative Moves Means What, Exactly?

There’s a bit of buzz building out there in the RE.web about a new… company? nonprofit organization? called It’s a website that is looking launch in Q3 of 2008, and I gather that they are doing fundraisers and lining up corporate sponsors and such. From the website itself we get the following description. … Read more

How Many Homes For Sale in the U.S.?

Doing some market research, I ran across a curious problem.  Apparently, no one knows how many homes are available for sale in the U.S. at any given time. — the closest thing we have to a national real estate website — claims “Over 3 million new, existing, and rental properties listed by Realtors” right … Read more

Tragic, tragic, tragic

From the Victoria BC Real Estate Blog comes this shocking story about Lindsay Buziak, a 24-year old real estate agent who was found dead, murdered, in a vacant house she was presumably showing. Her website shows a picture of a beautiful young woman in the flower of her youth. It’s such a tragedy. And Tim … Read more

Occupational Licensing and Capitalism Perfected

Once again, Bloodhound has a fantastic post up on a topic that is tangential to much of a theme I’ve been hammering since I started this blog. Greg Swann tells the story of an unfortunate eBay merchant who is being threatened with legal penalties for “auctioneering without a license”. Read the whole thing — it’s … Read more

Dear NAR: Whatever You're Doing Ain't Working

Over at TechCrunch, a hugely influential web technology site, there’s a profile of Redfin up. The profile itself is pretty bland and content-free. But the comments to that post has some… ah… action in there. For example, here’s a “Kerry R“: I’m not paying an F-ing real estate agent any fees, they don’t do anything! … Read more