What is the Agent’s Job?

I’m in Austin, TX on personal business, and thought I would take advantage of the trip to visit with my friends Krisstina and Gary Wise,

What is the Agent's Job?

I’m in Austin, TX on personal business, and thought I would take advantage of the trip to visit with my friends Krisstina and Gary Wise,

Seven Big Questions: The MLS Edition

I’m honored to be asked to give the closing remarks at the Council of MLS conference in Chicago this year at the end of September/early

Now is Not the Time to be Reactive

Just got off the phone with a broker friend of mine who thinks I’m plainly nuts with all the fearmongering and paranoia about things that

Carnival of Real Estate Policy

It’s time, y’all. Given all of the energy and action of late around housing, housing finance, and future of homeownership by the Federal government, I